author's note pt.2

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hey hey frens

I want to say thank you

becAUSE, as of yesterday, this book is #225 in the poetry category!!!!!!

that's honestly insane to me and I can't believe that this has happened and oh my freaking god

sOo...thank you so much frens!!!! cuz it was all you guys that made this happen (I know, lame and cliché but it's honestly true)

you're all such wonderful people and I honestly can't thank you enough oh my gOd

I love you all sO MUCH!!!!!!!

and there's six hundred of you! wowie!!

I can't believe this many people enjoy my poetry lol. thank my english teacher, he's the one that got me into poetry

I actually used to despise poetry and if you know me from pc and have known me for a while, you might remember how I'd always complain about how "I can't write poetry" lol

and look where I am now! jesus christ oh my god anfsfjsfkstkdfzjzhf

I love writing poetry so freaking much cuz I have awful writing endurance so in my chapter books I always have such short chapters but poetry is nice cuz it doesn't have a length and I can make it as short as I want (or as long as I want)

I'm getting off topic oops

this has been such a nice surprise and I can't believe this has actually happened and it's been a whole twenty four hours and I'm sTILL FREAKING OUT oh my god you guys are so freaking amazing

I feel so lucky and special and wowie thANK YOUUUU FRENS ILYYYY SO SO MUCH

and a huge shoutout to sadlester cuz she gave me sO MANY COMPLIMENTS and she's honestly so freaking amazing and kind and she deserves all the hugs and happiness and fluffy puppies in the entire universe

okay I'll end this now before I ramble even more lol ily frens thank you so much and I hope you keep enjoying my poetry!

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