Chapter 20 (Vol 1)

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Rules simple ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ:

1. No "thanks".(• ε •)

2. No spoiler...*If you know the story, just keep it yourself, ok?。◕‿◕。

No proofreading hence lot of grammar error, tried my best best to deliver out...If you are a grammar nazi, don't read.. ಠ益ಠ

Enjoy reading...


That human appeared is when I am feeling loss, squatting down and fumble repeatedly on the ground, it is has been confirmed that is nothing on the floor.

"Hey." he was smiling. "So fast we see again? You came here to drink?"

I haven't have time to realized who is him. If in the life got this interesting character involve, according to the basic logic it is impossible I won't have any memory regarding about him.

"Are you searching for something? Is it this thing?" He goes through his pocket and handed to me.

That small, dull color lying still on his palm in the dark environment. I even skip the thanks, immediately catch the thing.

I thought, the little bit of the last connection with Lu Feng will be cut off just like that.

He got shocked by seeing me crying clenched the ring tightly and press to my chest, only then he mumbled and ask "You, are you alright? At first plan to give you back on that day I saw you, however...You also know, after the fight, you seem to forgot everything."

Finally I remembered the stranger man that stands in front of me got bewildered with my action, "Thank you." I also feel so badly embarrassed in this kind of situation, sniffed "This thing is very important to me."

"Oh?" He seems got a bit blurred. Sneakily glance at the ring, and then his expression turned to furtive "Your girlfriend gave you?"

I am afraid if I said is boyfriend will scare him till die, hence I nodded my head. Just have to injustice Lu Feng changed his sex.

"Oh.", he seem like know everything. "No need to be sad, there are flowers everywhere, so you don't have to stick to just one. You see you cried until so sad, she also wouldn't know, if really can't, why not happily change another one..."

T/N=天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花 (It also can be mean there are plenty of other fish in the sea, so you don't have to stick to just one.. It also can be similar to don't give up a forest for one tree.)

The ways he comforts make me feel so funny. "Thank you."

"Oh, no need thanks, as long you happy then alright." He gave out a sigh of relief.

This human...Is a good human...But a bit scatterbrain.

T/N: In here, Xiao Chen said that human he met is "十三点"( Shí Sān Diǎn), it describe silly human or irrational human and it also can used to teased people, this three word doesn't carry cursing nor a sentences that hurt human. (Other meaning, I learn new word..XD!)

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