Happy Anniversary?

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I'll be at the precinct in 10 minutes, love you!

Grabbing my purse and giving myself one last look in the mirror, I confidently held my head up high and walked out the door excited for what's happening tonight. It's Rafael and I's second year anniversary and I couldn't wait to see his face when hand him his gift.

He's been wanting to bring his whole family in to have a family gathering but decided against it when he saw how much it would cost to fly everyone in, not believing that everything will pay off at the end. The look on his face broke my heart and I decided to take it matters into my own hands and get in contact with some of his closest family member to fly out, with the help of his mom of course. I also took the liberty to make reservations at a restaurant where Rafael too me on our first date. Our first year anniversary was so amazing I tried to top it this year, wanting this to be added on to the things that we will never forget.

Okay, see you there, Cariño. Te amo también. ❤️

After I hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address to the precinct, I couldn't help but feel giddy. Thinking back to this morning.

Waking up I was disappointed to find the other half of the bed empty but my frown was soon replaced with a smile when I saw a note and a dress laying next to me. "I hope you love the dress. I picked it out especially for you." The note read. I immediately pulled the dress out of its box and texted Rafael how much I loved it, thanking him profusely. No need to thank me, Cariño. Just meet me at the precinct at 7. I spend the next few hours getting ready and double checking with the restaurant that our table was ready by the time we get there. Snapping out of my flash back.

I realized that the taxi driver was pulling up to the precinct. I thanked him and paid, walking in with my dress flowing behind me. I took the elevator up to the SVU floor and smiled when I saw Sonny at his desk.

"Hey Sonny."

"Well look at you," Sonny commented, pulling me into a hug.

I pulled back and saw that Sonny was dressed in a formal attire.

"Where are you going? Is it a date?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. Sonny gave me a confused look.

"What?" I say, laughing.

"The Lieutenant is having a dinner to celebrate our latest catch," He explains, pointing behind him, at Olivia's office.

"Congrats. Is Rafael in there with her? I don't wanna be late." I ask, looking over Sonny's shoulders and trying to peer into her office.

"Yeah, and don't worry we won't be late we're all driving to the restaurant together." Sonny says as he starts to put away his stuff. This time it was my turn to give him a confused look.

"What are-" I was cut off by Olivia's office door opening to see Olivia herself and Rafael walk out and towards us.

"Hey Y/N!" Olivia greets me and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey. Congratulations on your latest bust. Sonny here was telling me how you guys are going to go out and celebrate."

"Thank you. You look beautiful." Olivia says looking down at my dress, making me blush.

"Thank you." I say still blushing from the compliment. Olivia and Sonny get into a conversation about something work related while I turn to face Rafael.

"Happy anniversary!" I exclaimed pulling him into a hug, not seeing the look of dread that took over his face.

"It's your guys' anniversary?" Amanda asks walking in with Finn beside her. Shaking my head enthusiastically at her I turn to look at Rafael again.

"So, I know how you don't like gifts and such but I decided to get you something anyway."

"Cariño-" Rafael starts but I stop him wanting to give him his gift.

"I also know how much you miss some of your family members that aren't close by to spend time with and I know how it's been so long since your whole family has been in the same room so I took it upon myself to buy the tickets to fly them out here. They'll be here next week! Isn't that amazing." My smile starts to fade when I saw the look on Rafael's face.

"Don't you like your gift? I know it was sudden but I thought it'd be nice." I say felling myself get upset. Rafael gave me a small smile before lifting up his hand a little and that's when I noticed a small black box in his left hand.

"Oh Rafael what did you get me. Is that why you're upset? That I didn't let you give me your gift first? What is it?" I ask beaming with hopeful eyes holding my hand out excitedly. Rafael lifted it a little closer but he had a look in his face that didn't sit right with me. I gently took it in my hands and opened it.

"Oh, Honey, I love it. It's beautiful," I say examining the necklace. It was a breath taking diamond covered flower.

"Can you put it in me?" I ask him putting the necklace in the palm of his hand and turning around facing the squad that have been listening and watching the conversation.

I give them a smile and pull my hair to one side of my shoulder waiting for Rafael to put the necklace on me. After a couple seconds of nothing happening, I turn back around to see Rafael already looking at me.

"I forgot," He breathed.

"Forgot what?" I questioned walking close to him.

"I forgot that today was our anniversary," He states not looking at me anymore. His face riddled with guilt.

"What? But you left me this dress this morning, your wearing a suit, and you got me this necklace."

"The dress and this suit is for Olivia's dinner. The necklace was a present-"

"For her," I finish his sentence not being able to hide the cracking of my voice and the couple of tears after realizing what was going on.

"I'm really sorry Y/N, I've just been swamped with work lately and the case-"

"Yet, you had enough time to think and buy things for the dinner," I say, anger clear in my voice.

"I'm sorry. I truly am," Rafael says again. I wipe the tears from my face and realize that the squad was still listening, watching as I embarrassingly stand here.

"Have a nice dinner," I say, my voice sounding defeated and embarrassed.

"Y/N wait-" Finn tries to call out to me as everyone is left shocked, especially Rafael, but I was out the doors and inside the elevator, watching its doors close, begging for my tears to stay at bay.

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