Shows you watch together

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Fiona- She doesn't watch TV much, but when she does you two watch That '70s Show. (Her favorite episode is the one Justin Long guest starred in) ;)

Kevin- You two watch a lot of family guy and Malcolm in the Middle. You like family guy because it makes him laugh and he liked MITM because it makes you laugh.

Carl- You guys love to sit on the couch together and watch Beyond Scared Straight or Oz. You both loved everything about prison-based shows.

Lip- You guys love to watch Freaks and Geeks together. You both think it's such an underrated show and wish there was another season. You also force him to watch Roseanne and he does because it makes you happy, but you know he secretly enjoys it.

Mickey- Orange is the New Black. You both find everything about the show to be gold, and he whispers "that doesn't really happen" for most parts of the show.

Ian- You watch Law and Order SVU and Chicago PD together, and you both think SVU hasn't been the same since Eliot left.

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