~Chapter 5~

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New message to:
I need you to ask Mira for Lucy's number.
From Liz:
Ughhh I'm with natsu. Why do you need it?
To Liz:
How else am I going to get my homework done?
From Liz:
Mmm okay.
From Liz :
Contact Fwd Lucy
To Liz:
Thanks. Use protection :)
From Liz:
Fuck you.
New message to:

"Gray! Your fathers on his way get your stuff down here" I roll my eyes and grab my stuff.

"Did you hear me?!" I walked down the steps and look at her or as most people say my mother.

"No my sweet mother, did you forget I'm deaf?" I said laced with sarcasm. She was about to reply but the doorbell rang. She looked at me then the door with an evil eye. I rolled mine and walked towards it.

"Ready to go?" The man ask. I didn't reply instead I walked towards the car and got in. I watched my so called parents chat next was a slam of a door then dad in front of the wheel rubbing his head.

"You should be nicer to your mother" he said starting the car. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I could say the same thing to you" He didn't reply instead he pulled out of the drive way. I looked out the window watching the passing scenery avoiding any type of communication with my so called father.

As you can tell my family isn't the best. My parents got divorced when I was 14. They had a lot of arguments ending in someone leaving, throwing things or slamming doors. Eventually they got a divorce.

I went back and forth between my dad and my mom. But it doesn't matter much to me. They hardly payed enough attention to me anyway to even be called my parents. They still fight even though there not together.

I started to find other methods to deal with this extra stress. This kid named natsu offered a cigarette and I took it. It helped numb the pain of being forgotten.

I developed this wall and I distant myself from others. I Ignore my parents like they've done to me. I would never admit that i wanted to kill my self and I wouldn't actually do it. The reason why is because the toxic stick is doing the work for me. 

"Gray?" I was shaken out of thoughts and noticed we were here. I grabbed my stuff and headed straight to my room. My room was the same as always messy and lifeless.

I walked past the mirror and saw a tear slipped down my cheek.
I stared at my reflection. I didn't know who that guy was staring back at me. He seemed foreign and unknown.


I looked away from the mirror and walked towards my phone.
I was awaken but multiple buzzing sounds. I grabbed my phone wishing I put it on Do not Disturb. I sighed and scrolled through the messages.

I wonder who that is?

Hmm same

I'm gonna ask Mira.

10 minutes later...




The person who texted Lucy was Gray!!!

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