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I was orphaned when I was 1 year old. I dont remember anything about my home and the family I was born into.

Well come to think of it I think abandoned is more proper of a word than orphaned.

Its been about 15 years since I came to the orphanage. Now I have big dreams, high set goals and ine longing wish; to know who my parents were? I want to know if I had any siblings? I want to be enlightened by the fact why was I left out of the family?

Now I am a 100% sure you are thinking why would I think I was abandoned? Why do I have the urge to find out who my parents are ?
Carry on and you would know.

This place, the orphanage, is like a home to me. Madamme Annie is the head here. She is an old woman with gray thick hair that are always in a bun, her cheeks a little sagged , her neck a little wrinkeled. But I have to admit she looks very pretty for anyone her age. Madamme is a sweet person, like a granny to me. Then there is Sophie, well lets just say she is my caretaker. The reason why I think she is only my caretaker is that she is always around me, I always wondered why.
Right now I am sitting in Madamme's bedroom by her side on the floor while she is sitting in her rocking chair. She is reading todays news and simultanoeusly talking to me. We do this akmost every three days, i come and sit with her and we talk, since I dont have any friends at the orphanage. That is because maddame Annie and Sophie tend to favour me, i am kinda the favourite and the girl who everyone is jealous of , for no reason at all. I mean hey you dont be friends with me so I end up talking to them.

While we are talking Sophie comes in, when she opens her door all the chatter of the common room could be heard. Sophie comes to sit with me on the floor and we fall back in the deep cobversation. If anyone saw us now we would seem like a pair of mothers and a pair of daughters, God knows how much I wish it to be true.

Sitting here like this gave me dèja vu feeling.

A/n: Continue reading to find out why was this giving her a deja vu feeling and what memory rushed in her mind.

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