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As Spyen was lost in her mind, Cal woke up and pushed himself off of the floor. He immediately set his eyes on his daughters and spoke to Skye, "Did he hurt you?" Skye glanced over at Spyen before shaking her head.

"Oh, good. You're awake." Whitehall entered the kitchen accompanied by a guard. Cal set his sites on Whitehall, "I've waited years for this." Call was about to advance on the man, but the Doctor pressed a button on the device he was holding and Cal feel to the ground with no control on his muscles.

Spyen kept her expression emotionless as Whitehall stepped over Cal and to the sisters, "Do you know what your mother's special gift was?"

Skye was taut, "No."

Whitehall raised his eyebrows and glanced at Spyen before he spoke, "She didn't age. At least not like the rest of us. I wonder." He slowly knelt down to Skye's level, "I wonder if that's your gift as well, of if you're special in another way. And you, "Whitehall went up to Spyen's chair, "What kind of gift would you possess? If your sister can touch the Obelisk, wouldn't you be able to as well?"

Spyen swallowed, but didn't have an answer. Whitehall sighed, "Discovery requires experimentation." He looked down at Cal, "I killed your wife. And before I kill you, I want you to watch what I do to your daughters."

A noise outside of the kitchen caught Whitehall's attention and he was quick to advance on the noise. Agent thirty-three followed Whitehall and the guard stayed in his place. After another few moment, there was more gunfire outside of the kitchen and Spyen clenched her eyes shut. But she could only see reoccurring White and blue shapes.

"Spy, Spy." Skye was trying to get her sister to look at her, but when she would talk the guard would flinch towards hid gun.

Spyen kept her eyes shut and wasn't aware of the stealth play that was unfolding in front of her until Skye shouted.

"Yeah, us too! Come on!"

Spyen looked up with glossy eyes, "I's safer here." Cal was standing in front of Ward and the guard on the ground was dead. "I'm about to do something to Whitehall. I don't want you to see me like that."

"I don't mind...seeing. Hell, I'm happy to help." Ward gave Cal a smirk.

"No, I get to do this myself." Cal went to leave and Skye was struggling against her zip-ties.

Spyen let out a breath and had zero reaction as Ward's chair fell to the side and he cut himself loose. Ward quickly walked over to Skye and Spyen and he slowly cut Skye's ties before moving on to Spyen. As Ward approached her he now noticed how she wasn't reacting, "Oh, damn. Spyen? Hey!" Ward cut the ties and gently shook the agent's shoulder, "Come on Spy. We need you here."

Skye was behind Ward, "Spyen."

The agent looked up with monotony, "I can't."

Ward sighed, "And why not?"

Spyen tilted her head to the side, "I'm vulnerable. If Whitehall gives me an order I have to comply." Spyen looked up at Skye and Skye was haunted by her expressionless face. Ward glanced behind to Skye and she nodded her head. Ward shook his head and left the sister to check the door.

"We can't worry about that now. Come on." Skye pulled Spyen up to standing. Skye let out a breath before she walked up to the guard and pulled out the gun from his belt. With Spyen's next blink, Skye fired the gun four timed at Ward.

Spyen hurried up to her sister's side, "What the hell?"

Ward fell against the wall and Skye stood tall, "Never turn your back on the enemy. You taught me that. Come on." Skye quickly pulled at Spyen's uninjured hand and pulled her from the kitchen. Spyen still couldn't grasp that Skye had just shot Ward after he had helped them. Skye still had the gun in her hand as the sisters rushed through the maze of hallways. The house was eerily quiet until they heard shouting.

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