Chapter 24: Observations

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Small update. This chapter is in no ones perspective. Sorry for the late update but now the updates will be sporadic again.

Somewhere in the days that passed their dynamics had switched. Neither of them had noticed it and yet the shift had been so easy for both of them.

The once one sided relationship had become beneficial for both parties. It became a connection of care.

Adisa and Georgia had already been a very peculiar case to start off yet fit together like lost pieces of a puzzle.

Georgia couldn't help the smile at the scene before her. The roles may have been reversed but she still remembered the day after she agreed to help the wild man.

Her hand was barely singed by the stove and it was partially her fault for being so careless. She'd been watching the television and cooking at the same time.

On the news they'd announced that one of Britain's billionaires had recently announced his cancer. The man had frequented Georgia's city often and started up many charities there so the city was sad to hear. The Billionaire had even funded a portion of the library that Georgia worked which brought worries to her.

In the midst of her thoughts, she simply didn't pay attention and a part of her palm touched the pan as she tried to stir the eggs.

Adisa sprang into action as he heard her quick hiss of pain. He stopped a few feet in front of her, trying to analyze the situation.

Georgia cradled her left hand with her other and her face contorted in slight confusion. He moved towards her slowly as if he expected her to run.

She stayed still, watching him from a short distance away.

The apartment was silent except for the noise from the television. Adisa stalked forward ready to capture Georgia the moment she ran and was a little surprised on how easily she submitted to him. 

Quietly, he coaxed her to the sink just as she had done to him weeks before. The only issue had been the moment Adisa turn on the sink and hot water poured over her sensitive burn.  Georgia jumped back into his chest and let out another hiss.

It took a minute before she gathered herself and another minute until Adisa's body relaxed underneath her.

She didn't get upset because she knew it was the thought that counted as she turned on the cold water.

It was very interesting to see the change in Adisa. Georgia and Dan commented on it briefly multiple times before Dan went off. The not-so-subtle hostility that made him a dangerous creature was non-existent . The ape walk had become few and far between.

Adisa was more human than he possibly ever was yet there was still something behind his eyes that was wild. The wild part of him that wasn't dead , only calmed.

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