Chapter 18

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Cecelia Clark~
Rochelle was still sticking her head out the window as a I ran even closer to the car. I kept looking back to see Donald. He stuck his hands in his pockets and although he was a few feet away I could still see his smile.

I never knew what it would feel like to have the lips of another touching yours. The feeling is almost indescribable but it's great. I was called beautiful and got kissed in the same day that makes up for all the years of not having a valentine or someone to hold your hand.

It makes up for not going to the movies or laying on your pillow at night with no phone calls from a guy you like. It makes up for feeling unwanted. Almost.

Rochelle snapped me back into reality as soon as I sat in my seat and buckled the seat belt. I could already feel the storm of questions coming on.

But I decided to put on my poker face. I fixed my bangs once again and this time wrapped my lavender shawl around my arms since the window was let down and it was a little chilly.

North Carolina weather was truly bipolar. It could be sunny and warm one minute and freezing and snowing the next you just never knew.

The car ride was just as awkward as it could be because I was wondering how really long my folks were sitting in the car. If they were there long enough to see the kiss.

If you didn't know by now grandma and grandad Lance are extremely strict. I feel as if they are extra strict with me because they believe my mother didn't turn out good. And sometimes I feel like a darn rapunzel up in this small ole house. I can't ever go nowhere with out asking them 100 times then if I do go it's always some silly curfew I haves to abide.

We arrived home within 15 minutes since the church wasn't so far. I grabbed all of my hair supplies out the trunk. And walked past my grandad as he opened the front door.

I was ready to take the heels off and to jump out of the tight pantyhose. Looking down on my dress I saw a white spot on the front. It must have been the vanilla ice cream from earlier.

One side of me wants to keep the dress the way it is and never dry clean because it's a memory of when you know...

The other side wants me to just wash it and keep it hanging up in the closet for 30 years. After finally deciding to take the dress off I took a 30 minute shower. I just wanted to freshen up for tomorrow and later soak all the stress that I had endured from today.

Coming out wrapping my towel around my body I found Rochelle on the phone crying. About what? I don't know and to be honest I don't even really care.

"Rueben you were supposed to be here... how else would I make her life more miserable than it already is? I'm not a miserable bit- Rueben if you hang up this  phone." She stated with anger.
"I swear I'm not cheating on you. It was just a dance. Your so insecure." The only Rueben I know is the one I spent so much time with my first three years of high school.

I forgot Rochelle and him were dating. But I don't know how that's supposed to happen if she opens her leg for any guy that passes through.

I slowly sat on my bed about to lay back when I felt her thump my leg. 'Get off.' She whispered.
If this chick thinks I'm getting off my bed for her she's got another thing coming.

"No, the f-" I almost cussed but I catched my self. Grandma got ears like a dog.
"The what? Yeah, go ahead and say it." Rochelle antagonized with a smirk playing on her lips.

She hung up the phone and sat up on my bed She looked like she wanted to have a conversation but she's definitely not my favorite person on my list so I just want us to pretend like we bonding but actually we falling asleep silent on each other.

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