Chapter 5 : Parallelism

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Karen spent a long while in a wheelchair, forgetting about time. She no longer had social life, only when she was going to the university. She was there to study, always under Joe's sight. She never had time to hang out around with her friends, since Joe's hobby was to pick her up around five minuts after her studies finished. Karen had no idea about Joe's current fight. He was fighting for himself. Fighting against his demons.

"- Everything is against me. "

Since the accident and the day he saw her again, Joe recovered the strong love he had for Cameron. The young woman wasn't affected, she was on Karen's side. The friendship they formed was strong enough to beat an entire army of Joe MacMillans. He loved Cameron, dreaming of her while Karen was next to him. Sometimes, waking up, he had the illusion to see Cameron on his bed, while the only who was there was his new prodigy. He couldn't even tell what was wrong with him. He loved Karen, he loved Cameron. He loved them both and needed them. Both of them were a part of him, he desired each for a certain thing. Cameron was the beast, the androgynous girl with such a behaviour that it attracted him. Karen was the bubble, the sweet girl, loving, caring... but easy to shatter.

Day after day, Joe watched Karen recover. She never stopped working on her projects, making them even nicer than expected. She began to create a video game which would have some characteristics of "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial " on the Atari 2600. Although she hated this game, she desired to make one which would be a bit more nice to play. She called it " Ghost Play Vo1 ", a horror game where a young boy was followed by ghosts. Since she had nobody to test it, Joe was her guinea pig most of the time. When she presented him the first final version, she watched him playing the game. The graphics of this game reminded him Cameron's drawings, but the moves and the quality made him think about Karen.

-What's the point ? Joe asked before playing

-You're in a house and you have to escape from it, and you have ghosts behind you so you have to make it quick.

-What the hell ?

For Joe, it was a sort of revolution, although being chased by someone (or something) was already present in " E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial " game. A digital house showed up, it had a nice design for such a game. Joe began to play, watched by a proud Karen who expected a nice reaction from him. Joe couldn't stop playing, sometimes screaming when digital ghosts were after him.

-Run faster !! C'mon !! he screamed

-Take the door on the right !

-Where's it ?!

-Right corner I tell you !!

Joe's character rushed to the right corner to escape from the house. The game was short, but very nice to play. The businessman couldn't even say a word, smiling to the screen. The game needed an evolution, he dreamt to redo this game on a computer. He needed Karen to make everything on another device, and knew he would need to talk to Cameron for the graphics.

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