Chapter 4

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I would love it so much if you would vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading my story. :)

It was a quarter till eleven, and Ellison sat in a far corner of the Slytherin common room completing the next day's Herbology assignment. The common room had begun to empty hours earlier, everyone climbing the staircase to his or hers' dormitory. But there Ellison sat, in the dimly lit, now empty room, and was still no closer to finishing her homework than she had been when she first sat down three hours earlier.

She had been playing back the events of yesterday evening in her mind, and had been unable to concentrate ever since. Tom had lashed out at her, and she had to admit the encounter had left her shaken. Tom, cold as he was at times, had never made her fearful before. His failed attempts to intimidate her had always been met with a witty rebuttal by Ellison, and Tom would simply smirk and shake his head at her, dumbfounded by her tenacity.

But last night, when she had poked and prodded at his buttons as she had done so many times before, she had received a different response. One of anger – no, rage. His dark eyes had been filled to the brim with it as he had glared down at her, pinning her against the wall. Had she pushed him too far this time? No ... She had been no blunter with him than usual.

Her thoughts were interrupted as footsteps sounded down the boy's staircase. Ellison looked up from the Herbology homework she had been neglecting to see Tom making his way towards the common room door. Where was he going? It was a little late for him to be starting prefect duties, wasn't it? Ellison slid out of her chair just as Tom slipped through the doorway. She hurried across the room and quietly opened the door, peering down the corridor after him. Where was he off to at this hour?

Deciding to follow him, she slipped into the corridor. It was eleven o'clock now and if she was caught, there would certainly be consequences. She tiptoed down the hall, making sure to stay a few yards behind Tom at all times. Tom turned down an adjacent corridor and she rounded the corner just in time to see the front door of the castle closing with a soft thud. He was leaving the castle? What on earth was he getting at?

She rushed to the door, silently opened it, and slipped out glancing back for a moment to make sure no one had seen her. Once outside, she looked around, her eyes straining to see through the darkness. If only she had brought her wand to light the path. In her haste she had failed to pull it out of her bag, there was no time for that now though.

She scrunched her eyes up and could make out the faint outline of a person some fifty yards ahead. It had to be Tom. She followed the figure for what seemed like hours until the faint outline of a house came into view. She heard a door creek. He had obviously went inside the hou-

Ellison froze as the structure that stood before her came into view. How had she not realized she was following Tom to the Shrieking Shack? She and Tom had frequented the place quite often during their trips to Hogsmeade, but she had never dared step foot inside despite Tom's attempts to persuade her. She had claimed the house was probably rotting and that she wasn't going to die just for the sake of his curiosity.

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