Chapter 6

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Thank you all for all the votes and comments so far! Your encouragement is so appreciated. Give this chap a vote and comment!

Tom had laid down on the sofa in the corner of his room, but had found it impossible to sleep. A million thoughts had been racing through his mind. He had resigned himself to the windowsill once again, peering out into the darkness.

He looked over at the dark haired girl asleep in his bed. She looked so small lying in the middle of his king size four poster, the covers pulled up to her chin. How did she have this effect on him? He had been unable to shake the thought since she had drifted off to sleep almost an hour earlier. No matter how hard he tried, Tom Riddle couldn't seem to shake the green eyed girl. He had tried to scare her away. He had even been outright mean to her at times. But there she lay, in his bed, like so many times before.

His initial thought when he had come down the stairs of the Shrieking Shack to find Fenrir Grayback's hands clasped around her throat had been shock. His feelings had soon shifted to absolute rage. The cruciatus curse Tom had cast without uttering a word had found its mark several times before Tom had willed himself to stop. Truthfully, he had wanted to kill the dog right then and there. He had wanted to torture Grayback into madness and finish him with the killing curse.

But he needed Grayback ... Alive. If he were to succeed in his plans, he would need Grayback and his band of werewolves. He had arranged to meet Grayback along with a handful of others including members of the Black and Rowle families, not to mention the band of Slytherins that worshiped at his feet.

He had divulged his plans to Avery and Lestrange weeks ago and it had been they who had sent the owls to the others. He, of course, had had to keep his hands clean. Dumbledore had undoubtedly been monitoring his every move, and he couldn't risk being discovered. Not when he was this close.

He had discussed his plans with the group tonight, explaining his intent for a master pure blood race and how he meant to do it. He had of course not divulged the plan in its entirety. No one could know his true plan. The plan that he had set into motion just last year. After spending countless hours in the restricted section, Tom had found a rare piece of dark magic. Shortly after, he had made his first horcrux.

He glanced over to his bureau, eying the leather bound journal that lay there. Once he had obtained the right information, the rest had been simple. That mudblood girl had been murdered by the Basilisk on his command. And through her death, the Chamber of Secrets would be reopened one day. The irony of it almost made Tom laugh.

He looked down at the rather large ring on his right hand. He had discovered his true parentage upon visiting Little Hangleton just two months earlier. He had expected to meet Marvolo that day at the gaunt shack, but instead had found his delusional uncle, Morfin. It was then, he had discovered who his true father had been. A filthy muggle. Stunning him and stealing his wand, he had been able to frame Morfin for the entire Riddle family murder.

He had taken the ring, adorned with a large black stone, that night. Horace Slughorn had proven quite easy to manipulate and through the information the old man had given him, he had used the ring to create his second Horcrux.

Helena Ravenclaw, or the 'Gray Lady' as they called her, had proven just as easy to deceive as Slughorn had. He had expressed understanding and compassion when he had questioned her about her mother's diadem. She had told him the whereabouts of the lost Hogwarts heirloom without question. All that was left to do, was retrieve it.

His plans had been proceeding quite smoothly. There had been a hitch here and there of course. He had planned to return to Hogwarts the next year to take up the Defense against the Dark Arts position. The position would make recruiting members into his army quite easy. Dumbledore, however, was going to see to it that plan didn't happen. Tom was sure of it. So, he had had to plan accordingly, in case his presumptions were true.

And then there was Ellison Pennifold. She, had not been part of Tom's plan. Tom glanced behind him at the girl sound asleep in his bed. He had to admit, she had thrown him for a loop. She had been his first, and only friend at Hogwarts. Truthfully, hers' was the only company he actually enjoyed. True, she was a bit overbearing at times, and liked to stick her nose where it didn't belong, but she was the only person he had ever met that wouldn't give him his way. She was a constant challenge.

Maybe that's why he had kept her around through the years. Still, Tom knew their time together was nearing an end. He knew she wouldn't approve of his future plans, and he wouldn't allow her to tag a long even if she wanted to. He had to move forward without any distractions. And that, was exactly what Ellison Pennifold was. A distraction.

Tom gritted his teeth. Why was it so hard for him to walk away? Why had he allowed her to have this control over him? He tore his eyes away from the sleeping girl. He would walk away ... at the right time. For now, what was the harm in keeping her around? Yes ... he would walk away, when the time came, and leave it all behind without looking back.


Yay for the first chapter in Tom's POV! It was definitely an interesting chapter to write. It certainly took a lot of fact checking to make sure I got the time line right for everything. But, if you find something out of place let me know (in a **nice** way please because again.. I am not JK Rowling, nor do I have her genius mind so go easy). Anyway, I hope you all like it! I'll be writing in Tom's POV more often! I think it gives a really interesting insight into who Tom Riddle is.

Also, S/O to Christian Coulson for making all of us swoon over Tom Riddle (I'm pretty sure I would have gone to the dark side, just saying.)

- Peace out, August

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