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Y/N P.O.V:
I heard the static of the walkie talkie that Carl and I had secretly kept to talk to each other. I ran over to it as I heard the faint voice of Carl.
"Y/N?" "Y/N?" I heard Carl's voice say my name over again trying to get my attention.

"I'm here" I said back to him.

"Y/N you need to get over here now" Carl's voice sounded panicked.

"Carl what's wrong" I asked grabbing my gun worriedly and ready to go whenever I needed to.

"Just get over here now please it's urgent" he said.

"Okay I'm on my way" I said placing the gun in my holster and bolting out the door. Once I got to the Grimes household I quietly opened the door and drew my gun.

"Y/N thank god you are here Judith won't stop crying I have tried everything" he said frantically pulling my hand and leading me into the living room to hear a screaming Judith.

"This is what you called me in here for, this is the emergency" I said at a small scream trying to talk over Judith's crying and whaling.

"Yes, I can't get her to stop crying, I have been trying to get her to bed forever" he said.

"Did you give her blanky" I said earning a frustrated look from Carl.

"No, I can't find it" he sighed.

"That's the problem we need to find it now, she won't go to sleep without it" I said looking under the couch and everywhere else along with Carl but neither of us could find it.

"I don't get it where could it be" I said trying to think of any place it could be. Then an idea sparked in my head. I rushed over to the fridge and opened it revealing the blanket lying on the top shelf.

"Found it" I yelled and sprinted back to Carl.

"Where was it" he asked picking up a screaming Judith.

"It was in the fridge, I remembered that you tend to leave it in there when you are grabbing Judith's milk" I said handing it to a screaming Judith who started to calm down a bit.

"I tend to do that" he asked confused in a quieter tone,  now that Judith wasn't screaming.

"Ya you always do so I always put it over the chair when I find it in there" I said taking Judith from Carl and rocking her slowly back and forth to try and soothe her to sleep. Carl smiled at me.

"What" I asked confused.

"Nothing, it's just you take notice in the things I do" he mumbled.

"Of course I do you're my boyfriend silly" I chuckled and gave him a small kiss on the lips before taking Judith upstairs to bed.
Michonnes P.O.V:
I walked into the Grimes household and looked around for Carl. I wondered into the living room to see him and Y/N passed out on the couch.

"Look" I smiled over at Rick and pointed. He smirked and chuckled.

"To be a kid again" he smirked.

"Their cute" I said and smacked his arm slightly.

"Ya they are" he smiled.

Y/N had her head rested on Carl's  chest as he had his arms wrapped around her body. I smiled to myself and covered them both with a blanket and then quietly made my way upstairs to my own room.

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