The Unquiet Dead - III

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"Who is your friend?" Rose asked Lily looking behind her at Dickens, still shaking by her side.

"Charles Dickens." Lily said as if it was normal, her eyes staying on the zombies.

"Okay." She took in a shaky breath looking back in front of her.

"It's a prank. It must be." Dickens wasn't so keen on accepting it like Rose and Lily were. "We're under some mesmeric influence."

Lily shook her head. "That's what you learn traveling with the Doctor." She informed him. "Be prepared to accept the impossible. The dead are walking."

"My name is the Doctor." The Time Lord told the zombies, his face frightened his two current companions. "Who are you, then? What do you want?"

"Failing," Lily took in a gasp as voices began to fill the room. "Open the rift. We're dying. Trapped in this form. Cannot sustain. Help us. Argh!"

One last cry left the zombies. Blue gas exits their bodies and returned to the gas lamp. The corpses then collapse. Silence filled the room.


While they all made their way to the living room to calm down the four of them learned the old man was named Sneed and the servant, Gwyneth.

Gwyneth started pouring tea into a tray of teacups. Sneed was the only one seated while the others stood, too shaken up to sit down. Lily stood beside the Doctor who leaned on the fireplace mantel.

Everyone was pretty calmed down except Rose who had decided to take her anger out on someone who deserves it other than Lily. "First of all you drug me, then you kidnap me, and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man."

"Oh, you too?" Lily asked Rose. The Doctor stood by quite amused at the girls responses to Sneed.

"I won't be spoken to like this!" The man yelled at the sisters.

"Oh but you will be!" Lily spoke up at his left getting his attention. "You stick my sister in a room full of zombies! And if that ain't enough, you swam off and leave her to die! So come on, talk!"

"Sister?" Sneeds eyebrow raised. "If you don't mind me saying you too look nothing alike."

Lily was taken back. She compared her bright ginger hair with Rose's blonde waves. Her moss green eyes with her brown. Rose looked exactly like their mom. Lily didn't. Sneed wasn't wrong, and that made Lily's heart sink. But she pushed it to the back of her head knowing he was only trying to get a rise out of her.

"Besides," Sneed continued on. "It's not my fault. It's this house. It always had a reputation. Haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back, and then the stiffs," Dickens shot him a dirty look. "the er, dear departed started getting restless."

"Tommyrot." Dickens muttered.

"You witnessed it!" Sneed argued. "Can't keep the beggars down, sir. They walk. And it's the queerest thing, but they hang on to scraps."

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