The Unquiet Dead - V (Final)

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Continue from The Unquiet Dead - IV


The Gelth twisted from blue to the color of fire. Lily started to panic, holding on tight to Rose's hand. The Gelth's voice deepened and groaned. "The Gelth will come through in force!"

"You said you were few in numbers!" Lily yelled.

"A few billion," The Gelth corrected her. "And all of us need corpses,"

The five of them, excluding Gwyneth, watched the dead rose. The Doctor, frighten for his companions safety, pulled them both behind him.

"Gwyneth, stop this!" Sneed pleaded her. "Listen to your master. This has gone far enough. Stop dabbling, child, and leave these things alone, I beg of you!"

"Mr. Sneed." Lily screamed. "Get back!"

The TARDIS team stumbled back as a zombie snapped Mr. Sneeds neck, the blue gas entering his corpse.

"I think it's going a bit wrong." The Doctor said in horror.

"Oh! Really!" Was Lily's only response as they back further away.

"I have joined the legions of the Gelth." Sneed, now with the voice of the Gelth, started towards them. "Come, march with us."

"No!" Dickens cried, stumbling to the door.

"We need bodies. All of you. Dead. The human race. Dead."

"Gwyneth, stop them!" The Doctor yelled at the dark haired girl. "Send them back, now!"

"Four more bodies," The Gelth announced. "Convert them. Make them vessels for the Gelth."

The trio kept backing away as the Gelth advanced. Meanwhile Dickens made it to the exit. "Doctor, I can't. I'm sorry." He shouted. "This new world of yours is too much for me. I'm so-"

That was all Lily and Rose heard before the Doctor shoved the three of them through a gate. He slammed the metal gate shut, which was enough to stop the zombies from getting them.

"Give yourself to glory. Sacrifice your lives for the Gelth"

"I trusted you!" The Doctor shouted at them as he stood between Lily and Rose. "I pitied you!"

"We don't want your pity. We want this world and all it's flesh."

"Not while I'm alive." The Doctor declared.

"Then live no more!" 

"But we can't die." Rose started to shake in fear. "Me and Lily. We were born in the future. We can't die now?"

"I'm sorry." The Doctor whispered to her.

She gave him a look. "But its 1869! How can we die now?"

"Time isn't a straight line. It can twist into any shape." The Doctor started talking at a rapid speed as the Gelth tried to push through. "You can be born in the twentieth century and die in the nineteenth and it's all my fault. I brought you here."

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now