chapter 24

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A/N This story is coming to an end, this will be the last chapter, there may be an epilogue. I don't want to drag it out till the point it gets boring and no real point to it. I will be starting a new story called the Captain's Trainer. So please have a look at that one, the first chapter should be uploaded some time this week and hopefully the updates on that story will be quicker than they were for this book! 

My last few days were spent crying, sleeping and packing, oh and also talking to my new house mate, Nic. He swings the other way don't worry.  We were just planning house stuff and when he was going to pick me up tomorrow when my plane got in. Yea that's right, I land in London tomorrow. 

I'd done the dramatic goodbyes with everyone about an hour so so ago and was now at the airport waiting alone for my flight. I made mum leave, i was quite emotional and having her here was making it worse. Eli and Liam came to say goodbye, as well as the guys and Aunt May. I wouldn't let them come to the airport so we had a breakfast thing at my house. 

I'd be lying if i said that i wasn't waiting for him to show up this morning because i was. i want to hate him but i just can't and it is killing me. Part of me is hoping he'll still come to the airport. 

My hands fiddled with my phone, fingers hovering over his messenger icon. I clicked on it seeing he was online, I knew I'd regret it but i still found myself typing out the words 

'come see me before i leave, my plane leaves in 2 hours' 

Immediately it popped up that he's seen the message and then those three annoying dots pending on the message he is typing. They appeared then disappeared then reappeared. This literally went on for 10 minutes. I watched the screen the whole time expecting a long message to come through, something to warm my heart but no, quite the opposite appeared on my screen.

'can't busy. bye.'

'ok. bye then i suppose'

'have a nice time at UAL' 

A sad smile landed on my face as i left his message on read. He cares, i know he does, plus the boys told me he wanted to come but couldn't. I just wish we didn't have to leave this like this. We promised each other we wouldn't.


After the 16 hour flight I was a mess entering the London Airport. I imagine my curls were a matted mess upon my head and i had changed from my jeans to trackies and a hoody during the flight with my converse. I dragged my suitcases and carry on bag behind me spotting my name on a sign and behind the sign a black haired boy i recognized from his profile picture. 

 I walked towards him smiling, he dropped the sign coming over giving me a warm hug 'oh Katie love, lets get a coffee, you look like you need it' he smiled taking my bag. I chuckled a little.

"You know me too well already" i nudged him.

"I feel like we've actually known each other for years" he bumped shoulders leading me through the large airport to the food court. Honestly me and Nic hit it off over messages and face time filling each other in on our lives but i haven't told him the recent events of mine and why my eyes are puffy and red and i look like shit. After ordering two coffees i begun explaining everything that recently happened hence why i'm a wreck. It was good to let it off my chest to someone other than liam and eli, especially since they're friends with him and Liam's big mouth spills all.

"wow" nic mumbled rubbing his finger around the brim of the mug "what an arse"

"yea i guess you could say that" i laughed.

"I mean it's his loss, you are absolutely gorgeous and so lovely. He is one delusional bloke. Honestly do you think it could have lasted long distance" I paused and thought about it, I'd never thought about it long term, and especially since I'm actually in London now it is different.

"probably not, but we could have tried and he could have been better about it"

"of course he could have been better, what a jack head for treating you like that!"

"Jack head?" i chuckled.

"yes shush don't mock me. You Katie Summers will be fixed soon, I'll put you back together I promise and you never know, in a few months you might be completely over him, only time will tell"

"yea only time" i mumbled sipping the coffee staring at the wall. 


"Yes mum I'm alive, i love it here" i smiled into the phone, its only been two days and i miss her like crazy, I miss the boys too, Liam called every three hours the first day, it was kind of annoying since it was during the night here so i didn't sleep for about 24hrs but i finally got some shut eye last night because Eli confiscated his phone for me. I haven't heard from Jace at all but honestly i didn't expect to. 

"how's Nic is he good?"

"yes mum he's great, sitting beside me on the lounge. I really need to go, its getting quite late" 

"oh okay hunny . I'll call in a few days alright?"

"yes mum. Love you"

"Love you too" i smiled ending the call. Nic handed me glass of lemonade and vodka. We had decided to go out tonight, a welcome to London and start of friendship night out. He was actually really good with clothing since he is a fashion major so he picked out my outfit and i put on a natural makeup and straightened my hair. 

"cheers" we both smiled clinking the glasses together downing the liquor "To the start of a great friendship" i smiled. 

"oh there's someone else joining us tonight" he smiled at his phone as there was a knock at the door.

"ooh bringing a date?" i smirked wanting to meet one of his guy friends he always talks about, he's a little bit of a player "go answer the door then" i tried shooing him but he stepped aside.

"can you? I need some more cologne" i rolled my eyes walking towards the door swinging it open.

"Nic is just get-" i froze my mouth going dry.



"I love you Katie and it's cliche but I can't live without you"

"i love you" i whispered falling into his embrace.

"lets go get drunk" he smiled and Nic cheered. 

Everything did work out. 

DONE DONE DONE! Sorry I'm not really continuing this, it just wasn't going to really go any further and i didn't want to bore you all. Thankyou top you who have stuck around and kept reading this story. Please still vote, share and comment also please check out my new story i mentioned up the top. I hope this ending was alright. Much love to you all xx

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