Ha, sorry

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"Ha sorry"   *looks down*

*smiles*   "it's all good"



"Hey its okay- oh are you okay?"

"Yeah sorry, I'm fine"   *tries to walk away*

*grabs hand softly*    " your crying I'm pretty sure you're not okay what wrong"

*turns back to look at him*    "nothing, nothing. I just need to go sorry"

"Go where? Where do you need to go it's the middle of a school day and you're crying! What's wrong?"

*shakes head*

"If there is something I can do I will. If it's something that someone said ill beat them up for you"     *nerves laugh*

"No, no it's okay right now I just need a hug and I need a distraction and I need to get away from here. I guess I got go to Katy but she's at school too, but she's at South Side so she would probably leave, but she doesn't like me either so she wouldn't leave for me-'     *rambles on and on until gets stopped by him pulling her down the hall*
"Where are you taking me. Wait, please. I don't know you. You don't know me. I didn't even know your name. Where are you taking me?"

*stops a little down the hall and turns to look at her*    "I'm moving us to somewhere where no one can see us because this is a school and people are gonna be walking around here and I know from experience that having people see you crying is quite embarrassing. Just trust me" *he starts walking again while dragging her along*

"But I don't know you"

"That can change"

*silence until they are in a back corner of the school where no one goes*

"Why are you staring at me?"    *he's been looking for some time now*


"Why are you staring at me?"

"I wasn't"     *he looks down at his hands*

"Yes you were"

"What happened that made you cry?"     *he changes the topic*

"It was nothing I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry do you want to talk about it?"    *he asks while sitting down against the wall*

"Not really sorry"    *she says sitting to but not too close*

"That's okay"

*It was a comfortable quiet which was weird because she thought they had just meet*

"Did you want that hug still?"    *he asked trying not to sound creepy*

Without a word she snuggled into his side with him putting his arm over her shoulders to her waist. She placed her head on his shoulder bringing her nose to his neck. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead saying: "it will all be okay. I promise"

After a few minutes, she speaks up saying. "You smell nice"

*he giggles*

The lunch bell rings letting them know that lunch is starting and the boys will be coming onto the oval to play football. They had a choice either stay on the oval and have all the jocks see them sitting together cuddling, eventually having rumours spread about them saying that a girl in year 10 and a boy in year 11 are secretly dating, or they could go their separate ways. They both know that they would have to make up their minds fast as in no time the jocks would be there but what was said next she was not expecting.

"Do you just want to go cuddle somewhere else and talk so we can get to know each other, rather than having a moment and just running away from it?" He said without looking at her at all because he was embarrassed and scared that she would say no. Again without a word she stood up and held out a hand for him take and they walked away.


Not all of the stories will be formatted like this, it annoys me sorry. 

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