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Halt was fletching arrows in his room. After a long day of meetings and discussion and more talking he had been shown to a room by the young, or not so young, blonde lad, and told Alyss and Gilan were across from him. He had nodded his thanks and closed the door behind him.

He now sat in front of the fire, fletching arrows. You never knew when you'd need one, especially in another universe... He paused, sighing as the concept swirled around him. It was unbelievable, yet it was happening.

He glanced around the room which was nice, and pleased the longing for nature he shared with most of the Rangers. It was open and airy, lit by the fireplace and otherwise natural light. The bed took much of the space, but there was a chair in front of the fire, a desk to the side, and a privy attached. Halt's room had a balcony as well, but it overlooked an inner courtyard, rather than the forest side of the buildings Alyss's and Gilan's would.

Always the light poured through open windows, and it was pleasantly serene here, though Halt's mind was plagued by worries for Will and the others in Araluen. He looked up from his painstaking work at a small commotion in the hall. He heard a flurry of movement, and rapid light steps he barely heard, followed by the heavier footfall of someone rather confused.

Narrowing his eyes he stood fluidly, his bow appearing in his hands and slinging his quiver on his back. He crossed the room quickly, opening the door to see the retreating form of Legolas walking purposefully down the hall, Alyss hurrying behind.

Raising an eyebrow the rugged ranger followed them.

They crossed hurriedly through the halls and down into the outer courtyard, observable from Alyss's room. The girl noticed Halt following behind and hung back to walk with him.

"What's happened?" He asked gruffly, both still following the rushing elf, who whisked through the familiar halls like some apparition.

"I don't know. Something, apparently," she replied, at a loss. After they noticed the absence of the music, she and Legolas had heard faint shouting from the forest. The elf uttered a quick apology and hurried from the room, Alyss struggling to keep up.

Soon enough they emerged into the moonlit courtyard, finding a small but growing crowd already gathered.

Surprisingly, Halt met Gilan's confused gaze, the young ranger coming towards them quickly when he saw them.

"What's happened?" He asked.

"That's the question of the day," Halt grumbled, peering around at the elves gathered there. THey seemed agitated, and the air was tense and electrified.

"We thought to ask you that. What are you doing over here anyway?" Alyss asked Gilan, the tall girl looking past him and at the group as well.

"I don't know. I was exploring the house when I saw that Elladan bloke running over here. I followed him and here we are," Gilan offered perplexedly. "Do you think something is going on?"

"Obviously,"Halt said shortly, trying to listen to the conversation.

Legolas was at the center of the group now, and between people Halt could see new elves, clad similarly to the blonde one that were clearly travel worn from riding hard and fast a long way. They were discussing something rather urgently but in their own tongue that Halt could not understand. All of them looked troubled, though, and Halt knew that something bad had occurred. Eventually the crowd began to break up, the new arrivals looking tired and worried, presumably going off to get some rest while others led the weary horses away.

Legolas, Elladan, Elrohir and Elrond, and one of the new elves remained, turning slowly to meet the confused and expectant Araluens.

Halt scanned their faces, the two twins' displaying shock and anger. Legolas was deeply troubled, looking at the ground his eyes darting around. Elrond looked pensive but his brow was furrowed deeply.

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