C H A P T E R 3

775 73 31

"That was beautiful, mashallah, one of the reasons I chose her as my Intern. Those hands are what we need!" A doctor spoke to one of his colleague, only showing his back towards me. Curiosity hit me as the words "I chose her" escaped from his mouth. What did he mean by choosing me, I didn't know whether I should've thought it in a wrong term or just a general doctor that chose me for a specialty. 

Could it be Dr. Imran, but the man that I heard did not sound like him at all. Dr. Imran sounded old, no offence, this guys had a young sweet voice. At the moment I did not care, just walked out of the OR and made my way down to the hallway. For the first, in years, I've started to receive positive attitude from the people around me. Which didn't quite enlighten me as much, I get it, I made the great cut, and helped remove the tumor which, Alhamdulillah, we, thanks to god - got it out, but just because of something miraculously I did, now they like me?

But I knew that it was not going to last and I was right. That day after the hospital, everything went blissfully. No hate, and people were actually trusting me and the Muslim doctors there. I woke up in the morning, scrolling through my twitter only to realize the absurd news, and trend that was everywhere. There was a bomb attack in one of the city's and all I could think is, why! Just when we Muslims have peace these idiots want to put the name on us. 

It was true, looking at the "trending now" section the first one appeared as Muslims. Oh how life is. Trudging my phone away, I walk up towards my mirror.

Staring at my reflection, my face looked much fresher since the past few days. I finally got 6 hours of sleep, 7-8 hours is recommended but six is not so bad right? Cleaning myself up, I decided to wear a long dress umbrella dress, it was probably my favorite one, and the cutest, upon that I plopped my white coat on. 

-- My instinct were correct, as going to my morning walk instead of the run, cause laziness took over, the stares on me just wouldn't go away. It was as if they were vampires and my blood was so sweet that they would kill me for it. Obviously, I really did try to focus on just my duty rather on what other people think.

 However, I didn't think that the event that my body just went through had the power to go through it again. 

My body was jerked forward immediately, I turned around to see a lady standing there with pure disgust on her face. My heart rate started to go fast, I was scared in my own home town. "Go back to where you Muslims came from, you all are filthy!" She spat at me, luckily I managed to block it. I felt my adrenaline rising, when I get furious it is unbelievable. "You do not deserve to be in this world" She yelled coming forward to me.

"Miss!" I yelled at her. "I can say the exact same thing to you, because you do not own this country, you are the same as me, you were migrated here by your ancestors. Do not show me that look, you really think a doctor like me would like to kill innocent people. There are about more than 1.6billion Muslims in the words, if all of us were terrorist, none of you would be existing by now. Its logic, and common sense! You have no authority to tell me what to do!" My voice was firm but my inner organs was shivering. 

Who knows what anger can make a person do. I was right, she didn't stop, and she kept moving forward, her hand in a fist. My eyes started to get glossy in fear, I didn't want to be beaten up, neither did I want to run away to show my weakness. Honestly, I couldn't let her do anything to me. "You need to understand, as a Muslim, and many out there, we are not like this! I can give you proof, we can sit and talk –

"Oh Shut the hell up, I don't need you stupidity proof of the Quran. It is all fake! All!" Eyes started to stare at me and her, it was about time that the crowd was now about to form. I saw people gathering in a perfect circle manner but I ignored that. "It's all in Media! Everything is there, we all know!"

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