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Cassandra's POV

My eyes open only to be met with plain white walls standing before me. I look around in all directions trying to find a door or some way out, nothing, there was no way out. I stood to my feet wondering where I could be, am I in a basement maybe? No, can't be. There would have to be a door or some way of getting out of here. Maybe I'm in some type of prison holding room, I know I couldn't be in jail for I haven't done anything wrong. What if the police found me and Harry then I would be let free, I could go back to my normal life but why would they have me in here?...

Am I dead? I thought to myself, is this heaven? Did I really die? Suddenly part of the wall opened up. Walking in was a man dressed in dark clothing, he wore a black long sleeved shirt, dark jeans and solid black boots. The only color that I could make out other than black on the young man near my age was a red liquid dripping from his hands. He started to walk towards me, I was tempted to run away scared of what he might possibly do to be but as he neared me he walked right past me striding to a plain wall not far from where I was currently standing. The only sound that could be heard was his heavy foot steps and the odd sound of the scarlet liquid dripping from his large hands. The red substance left a trail behind him leaving deep red dots spotting the pearly white floor which we both stood on.

Once he stood before the plain wall he looked back at me a devilish grin playing on his lips. He looked back to the wall and started to glide his hands across it like he was painting. It didn't take long before words were formed dripping in deep red. It's when I read the wording I then new that the red liquid was blood. The wall read in bold letters,

'Ben is dead'

My heart stopped and my hands began to sweat, my breathing turned rigid.

"No, this can't be true." I said to myself.

"No, it can't be." I cried taking sharp breaths, the dark figure started to walk towards me and that's when I started screaming at him.

"NO! HE'S NOT DEAD!" I screamed.

"Cassandra." The raspy voice spoke.

"No! Get away from me!" I yelled backing away from him.

"Cassie." He sang my nickname an evil grin playing on his features.

"No!" I cried.

"Cassie wake up!" He said standing only five feet away.

"What?" I asked.

"Wake up Cassie... It's only a dream." The white walls started to fade along with the dripping words and everything turned dark.

"Wake up Cassandra." I opened my eyes breathing heavily.

I quickly sat up grabbing onto the door handle.

"Cassandra?... We're at the airport." I heard a voice say.

I slowly turned my head to my left only to see the man that was dressed in all black in my horrible dream. I jumped back slightly grabbing onto the place above my left breast where my heart is.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked concern written on his face.

"Uh, y-yeah . L-lets g-go." I stammered out opening the car door.

He did the same with his as I walked around to the trunk of the car. He then popped the lid, raising it slowly.

"Here." He said handing me my suitcase.

I took it from him sitting it on the ground and pulling up the handle so it will be easier to move. I was still shaken up about the whole 'Ben is dead' dream. It made me wonder whether he really was dead... I quickly pushed the thought to the back of my mind when I felt the tears coming. He can't be dead. That's my little brother, he is supposed to live longer than me. I couldn't imagine dying at the young and innocent age of eight, he's never done anything wrong. Yes, he has not made his bed when he was supposed to and sure, he has eaten the last cookie when it was really dads' but when you really think about it, he's an innocent to the world and I couldn't imagine him dying.

"Come on, we board the plain in less then an hour." Harry's voice breaks me from my horrible thoughts of my brothers possible death.

"Okay." I simply said following Harry in the direction of the airport entrance.

We have to walk for probably five minutes because of how far Harry parked from the doors. The airport is packed with people; moms trying to control their children as they run free, elders slowly walking towards the restrooms to relieve themselves -the noise was so loud I just wanted to get on the plane, even though I hate flying. It scares me to death. People started to push and shove as they see their plane boarding. It was crazy busy here, Harry took our suitcases and put them on a moving belt, them going under a scanner to be scanned for weapons or drugs. While our bags were being checked we had to step through a scanner ourself but this one was more like a door you just walk through. I didn't even ask how he got the passports becuase to be honest I didn't want to know.

Once done Harry grabbed our bags and quickly pulled me towards the boarding area. People continued to push and shove while we were trying to get on the plane but me and Harry simply ignored them. I was tempted to tell someone that the man I am with is psycho and that he has hurt me and kidnaped me but for some reason I didn't, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's my curiosity getting the best of me hoping to figure Harry out or at least understand him better or maybe it's even the fact that I feel as if I could help him, if he would just let me that is. Before I knew it I was on the plane and seated in a window seat.

"Thank you for choosing United Airlines. We will be landing in the City of London in just a little over seven hours so sit back and enjoy your flight." A voice spoke softly over the intercom.

I'm yet again stuck in a small area with Harry.



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