Chapter 1

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Heart still pumping relatively fast, Ardiel laid back in bed. Some try to count sheep, others will recite verses in their heads repeatedly, but Ardiel had her own methods of falling asleep. Wander, stray, and let go. She had always taken these words to heart when it came to falling asleep. Most people consider meditation to be the canceling of all thoughts, just stopping them all; that's not true. Meditation is more about letting the mind stray free from its braces. Letting your thoughts roam, entangle within each other, and dance. Meditation is how Ardiel would fall asleep.

And so she did, sloughing off the dream she just had. She let her thoughts shift from what colleges she applied to, what one she would accept, which would accept her... when she started to hear muffled voices. She had come to know these voices well in the last 20 years of hearing them every night. Yet they never attempted to be so hushed about it.

Curiosity piqued, and she had to quell it. Whisking herself out of bed, she went over to her door and laid an ear against the crack between the door and the frame. Outside her door was a long hallway, with an arched ceiling. It was a natural feeling home. The wooden beams running across the ceiling were stained and beautiful; the walls made from vertically laid logs, charred and stained as well. Immediately to the left, outside her bedroom was a full bathroom. Black ceramic tile lay upon the floor, a white claw foot tub set gently in the corner. It had an old feel with a modern look. As did the rest of the house... 

Including her foster parents' bedroom, only the next room over on the right. She could hear the two of them squabbling, as per usual. Yet this time, there were attempts to keep it quiet. They were never exceptionally hostile towards each other; they only fought, as every couple does. But this hush tone they had taken concerned Ardiel. She always had a keen ear, so she had no problem hearing her foster mothers.

One of the voices was Melisa, who was tall and thin, with brown hair and brown eyes. She had a slender face, high cheekbones and always bore a soft expression. She had always been the more rational and less emotional type. She was also a little more submissive than her partner, Angela. Angela was almost the opposite of Melisa, being shorter and a little built. She was a blonde with brown eyes, a heart shaped face and a playful expression, most of the time.

"... We should let her decide which college she wants to go to, not try to force one upon her." Argued Melisa. 

"Do you know what this college is? Do you really think *she* won't absolutely love it there?" Retorted Angela, her reduced voice bearing a glimmer of joy. 

"Yes, you're right. I know, but she should make the decision herself. If we try to force her into anything she might resent us." 

Ardiel couldn't handle it anymore. She had never been one to skulk in the shadows. Walking out of her room up to their door, she said, "You can't force me into anything, but you can tell me what you're talking about."

They went silent for a moment before opening the door. "Oh, hi sweetheart. We may as well have this conversation now, as I'm sure you won't let it go."

"You know me so well, almost as if you raised me. So what's this college you're so excited about?"

"Well, your other mother went there when she was your age." Melisa explained, "And was apparently a huge fan of it all."

"Apparently?! Oh my lord it was phenomenal! It's like no other institute you'll ever attend, dear." She paused, "I might have applied for you, and you might have been accepted." It sounded more like a sheepishly asked question. 

"Okay, you should've told me you were doing that. This is *my* future after all. Anyways, give me the link to the website and I'll check it out in the morning."

"Oh, sweetie, there is no website for this institute. Trust me, it is a place of wonder and magic like you wouldn't believe, literally." Angela told her enthusiastically.

"Wow, okay, now you're just making it sound like freakin' Hogwarts. No website? Why would I go to a college that doesn't even have a website? Next you'll tell me they don't have internet or electricity."

"That's exactly what I'm telling you. They have running water, food, and you'll never be cold. They also have the world's best teachers and they have the course you want; Global Development, right?"

"Jeez Angela, you expect me to live in a place that doesn't have internet for four years? Are you insane? How could I contact you?"

"They have telephones you can use every day; they just believe teaching without distractions is the best method. Okay, okay, yes it sounds nuts. But please think about it? Just for one year, I'll pay for everything and if you don't like it you can leave."

"I'll think about it.. Goodnight guys. I love you."

"I love you!" They said in unison.

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