He Talked to Me

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Hullo my little beans!! I'm kidding. That was racist. (Jk)
But no, really, thank you for reading this. I like criticism but please don't insult or spam or troll. It means a lot if you're here. I'll try to make your reading experience fantabulous. Please enjoy and leave a comment or like or eat some ice cream. 😘

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Mark's P.O.V

The day drew to an end. I can't believe the entire class made fun of me in front of Jack. If he ever thought of talking to me, he wouldn't do it now. I was in the dark again.

After shoving all my books in my backpack, I stormed into the bath room and sunk against the wall. I drew my knees to my chin and I wrapped my arms around my face. I wouldn't cry... I wouldn't- God dammit.

Tears streamed down my face and seeped into the sleeve of my shirt. Oh how alone I felt. A single sob left my throat. Suddenly I heard footsteps.

Oh great, one of those pricks is gonna come in here and bully me again. I thought.
I squeezed my eyes shut and waited. Nothing came.

"Umm..." I heard a boy's voice say. I looked up slightly.

OH MY FUCKIN GOD AND JESUS ALMIGHTY. It was Jack. Of course it was Jack.

"Hi..." He said, scratching the back of his neck.

"If you're here to make fun of me, then get it over with. I really should be used to it by now." I felt more tears streak down my face and I wiped my nose with my sleeve.

When I made eye contact though, he had a sympathetic look in his eyes. His lips were pulled into a frown.

"No... I wouldn't do that... I just..." he paused. "I saw you run I-in here and I wanted to make sure you were okay..." he stuttered.

My eyes went wide. "Are... are you joking?" I wiped my nose again.

"No. That would be sick." He said. After a minute he walked over to me and offered me a hand up. I felt my face flush and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and gave me a pat or two on the back.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. He gave me a questioning look in response.


"I'm the reason you're gonna get bullied now. They'll know you helped me."

After a moment, he laughed once. Then again. Then he broke out laughing with a grin on his face. What did I say?

"I'm not afraid of those dicks!" He said angrily. "And I'm not gonna stand by and watch them do this to you." He said, our eyes meeting.

I felt my eyes well up with tears again.

"Oh don't cry again, you big doof ." He said playfully. Then he held out his arms and wrapped me into a hug. I looked at the side of his head, my face in his shoulder and I blushed. Then I hugged him back.

For once in my life, my lips curled into a genuine smile.


Ahhhhhh! I loved this! Jack is such a sweetheart and Mark is my favorite doof! Ok enough fangirling! (Claps hands together with a sharp intake of breath) thank you all for reading! I hope you liked this chapter, and I know it wasn't as long as the first! Please leave a vote and a comment and then go grab yourself a box of assorted donuts, you've earned it! 😘

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