💙 Chapter Six 🖤

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Connor shot up in the middle of the night, sweating, and maybe crying, but you couldn't tell because of how many sweat beads adorned his face. "Evan! Where are you!?" he screamed in a panic. He flung himself off the bed and ran downstairs.

Evan shot up. "Connor?! I'm right here! Connor where are you?" Evan yelled, then wrote "I'm in the bed."

"It's over, you're awake, it was just a dream.." he mumbled to himself and he grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Connor heard a faint voice, then felt a tingle on himself. Connor went to the bed and saw Evan. "Uh- sorry I woke you I up.." was all he could say.

"It's okay. As long as m-my mom doesn't wake up. I-I'm here Con. I love you." Evan said, pulling Connor into a hug.

Connor was stunned, but managed to hug back. "I- I love you too." His face became dampened with tears and he nuzzled into Evan's neck.

"It's okay. Calm down, okay? Let's go back to sleep."

"O-okay.." Connor laid down and held onto Evan tightly.

Evan snuggled close to Connor and quickly fell back asleep.

~ Time Skip ~

Connor woke up, and noticed he was still holding Evan in his arms. He was HOLDING EVAN HANSEN. He didn't want to wake the other, so he stayed in position and stared at Evan. 'God he's beautiful, how is he mine?' He thought.

Evan sighed and snuggled closer to Connor.

"Good morning Evan," Connor mumbled sleepily, patting his back.

"Hm? Oh, good morning Connor." Evan said sleepily.

"Can I stay with you for the day?"

"W-wasn't that the plan? But first you need to go get your m-meds."

"Ugh, I don't want to go back to my house.. One more day of skipping won't hurt, Ev." Connor really didn't want to face his dad, mom, or sister.

"I-if you don't take your meds, I-I'm not going to talk to you." Evan said, wriggling out of Connor's arms.

"No! Fine I will, but can you come with me to my house?" Connor grabbed Evan's hand and looked into his eyes.

"Y-yeah. Of course. First we have to eat breakfast though."

"I'm so full from last night.."

"Liar," is all Evan said. He knew Connor needed to eat.

"No! I really shoul- can't eat anything else, thanks though," Connor really didn't want to have anything else, he didn't deserve it.

"D-do you not remember what I said? If you lie, don't take your meds, get high, cut, or n-not eat, I'm not going to t-talk to you."

Connor paused for a moment then replied, "Okay, what do you have?"

"C-cereal. Is that o-okay?"

"I guess, c'mon let's just get it over with," Connor said while gripping Evan's hand tighter and taking him to the kitchen.

"C-Connor... I need you to let go of me now. J-just so I can get bowls, cereal, and milk." Evan said, a bit scared of Connor.

"Thanks again." Connor muttered, then slowly began eating the cereal.

Evan finished his cereal quickly and said "I-I'm going to get dressed. I-is that okay?"

"Sure. I can just stay here if that's fine."

O-okay. I'll be back." Evan practically ran upstairs.


Evan grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. He locked the bathroom door and shrunk to the floor. Evan started crying and grabbed his marker. 'Bitch' 'Asshole' he wrote on his thigh. "It's true." He mumbled to himself. He cried more, and hoped Connor wouldn't notice yet.

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