Chapter Seven

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Harry and I sit down at a booth with a coffee in each of our hands, my other hand gripping a donut.

"Sunglasses inside?" He asks, obviously trying to make conversation as I had worn them the entire time in Home Depot.

"I'm concussed, remember?" I take a sip of my too-hot coffee.

"Oh, yeah. Is your leg okay?"

"Can't feel it," I laugh.

"Oh, right. Toxic dose of Tylenol. Got it."

I roll my eyes and take another sip from the cup in my right hand.

"What other classes are you enrolled in again?" He takes a sip of his own coffee.

"Art, Physics, and English."

"Who's your art teacher? I was considering taking art next year."

"Don't you graduate this year?" I ask.

"I'm taking an extra semester to fix my science mark."

"What class?" I ask.

"SBI4UI. Fourth year-"

"-University Biology. I'm signed up for it too."

"Wouldn't that be funny. If we got stuck sitting together in the most boring class of them all." He smiles at me and laughs.

"I dunno, man, I might have to debate you on that one. Math is definitely the most boring. I'm only taking it because I have to. I actually find biology pretty interesting other than the fucking labs," I tell him and take a bite of the sprinkled vanilla donut in front of me.

"Which take up half of the class anyway," Harry adds with another sip, raising his eyebrows as if that proved his point.

Shit, he's cute.

I look up to the dimmed cylindrical glass light above us, which couldn't be any bigger than a water bottle. It flickers softly, setting the solemn mood.

"You're really good at art," Harry compliments me, pulling me from thoughts of my father. "I saw some of your drawings the other day in the cafeteria. They're gorgeous. You're very talented."

A blush arises to my cheeks and I look down in attempt to hide it. "Thanks," I murmur.

"I also saw one in your bag when I got you the Tylenol in the nurse's office," Harry blurts.

My head snaps up and my eyes widen, listening to his voice and paying attention to his expression.

A glint of concern flashes in his eyes and I groan.

Oh, fuckin' hell.

"It's quite the piece. A little dark, I might say, but-"

"I was watching a horror movie which inspired me-"

"Hold on. I'm not judging you, Callie. It was really good. Scarily good, even," he chuckles awkwardly. "Can I see it again?"

I cough to hide my surprise.

"You don't think I'm psycho?"

"No," Harry says, smiling. Laughter escapes his plush lips.

"Are you sure?" I press him.

"I don't think you're psycho. I think you're talented. And, I mean, what else would someone expect from you."

I narrow my eyes at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I grumble.

"You wear all black, you're a bitch to everyone, and you're all-together very hidden," he says bluntly. My eyes pop.

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