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                       Y/n POV
Hey Ademir can we talk about what happend that day i ask,yeah sure he aswerd.  We both sat on the sofa, look Ademir i know it look wrong that me and Mikey were sleeping on the sofa togheter but her let me explaim i came home early in the morning. I saw u and the boy's sleeping so i gave each a kiss on the cheek , but wen i got to Mikey i accidentally woke him up. He saw me and he was still had his eyes shut i was gonna leave wen Mikey fell asleep, but sence i woke up early that morning i  was so sleepy so i drifted off to sleep. Ohhh well im sorry i thought about it in another way he said, its fine i said i gave him a hug. One more thing before i leave u im sorry that i put u threw so much worry that night i said, its fine sissy just atleast text me anything to make sure u are ok. Ok i said with that i went to sleep. I couldn't tell Ademir just yet that me and Mikey are dating, i sighed and said ill tell him another day.
I woke up to someone knocking on tge door i got up and saw ademir, yeah i said u wanna come with us, to were i said we going to do a 3am challenge.
Sure let me get ready,i just put on my grey sweat pants and my grey shirt with my grey converse. I went downstairs, and i heard Mikey and Jake i smiled to the voice of Mikey. I walked in and they said ready i nodded.  Hey duffies we are going to play the Ouija on the Clinton rd,jake said.

Peace✌✌✌and gn

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