45. Can't drink it away.

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Why didn't y'all tell me I reached a million reads?! I'm so happpppyyyyyy!!!!!! Thank you guys so much for all your feedback and support it really means a lot to me, I dont think you understand. I've worked really hard on all my the stories I've put on here and I always think I could push harder to make them better... But seeing a million reads means I  might be doing something right. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Thank you so much again, I love you all.

-Abby 💕

(P.S.- I hope this chapter isn't dry to you guys. Excuse any mistakes.)


Third person
Day of the the wedding
12:58 pm

"Baby calm down." Tahny said as she watches Michael pace around his apartment fixing every little thing. "Everything looks perfect." She said as she finished putting Jasmine's wild curls into a neat bun on the top of her head.

"You sure? I don't want your parents coming in here and thinking this place is a mess."

Tahny looked down at the perfect vacuum lines on the living room floor with a raised brow. The shine on the laminated marble countertops was blinding, there wasn't a speck of dust in sight.

After a quick look around she  looked back at him with a straight face. "If the fumes from all the bleach cleaner doesn't choke them when you first open the door... They'll think it looks fine it here." He smacked his lips. "But in all seriousness..." She put jasmine on her play mat as she whined to be let down. "It looks really nice in here." Tahny stood on her tippy toes to kiss his lips. "Now go put the candles on the cake or something and stop worrying, everything will be fine." He sent a half smile her way. "I'll try."

Michael walked to the kitchen to follow her orders. He wiped his clammy hands on the legs off his jeans and took in deep a breath. Even though he had spoken to Tahnys parents briefly on the plane ride to L.A.; it's important for them to like him. He was falling hard for Tahny and it's evident how much her family meant to her. Michael didn't want their opinion of him to change the way she feels about him or their relationship. Even though his partnership with Tahny hasn't been very long he could already tell she was going anywhere anytime soon.

He hadn't felt this way about anybody he's dated before. Every woman he's every been with just didn't last. Either they'd argue to much, or the maturity level wasn't there, or things just fizzled out because the excitement had gone, or they couldn't get past the fact he has a baby. Most of the time with those girls it was about the physical attraction. A high percentage of those relationships never met it to the "meet the parents" stage. It wasn't like that with Tahny. Even though it's early in their relationship, he didn't feel the need to rush into sex with her, it happened organically, they could hold a good conversation with each other, so far it hasn't been any real arguing, she also embraced his daughter instead of turning her away.

"Everything's gonna be fine." Michael mumbled to himself. He kept a mental prep talk going to keep himself away from the negative. He placed the twisted light blue candles around the perimeter of the of the sprinkle covered chocolate cake as there was a knock at the door.

Across town...

"Whats the hell?! You're pissy-fuckin-drunk!" Olivia's mom Eleanor screamed as she walked around the hotel suite.

Half empty liquor bottles and clear plastic cups strung around the room gave a vivid image of what happened last night. Olivia laid topless on the living room floor groaning.

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