Help ; Psychotic! Sugawara X Nurse! Reader

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A/N: Definitely not a fluffy one-shot.


Sugawara Koushi



174.6 cm

63.5 kg

Accused for:
Several successive murders, being conning and manipulative, lack of remorse.


Suga sat completely silent, his cell overflowing with darkness, with the exception of a rusty flickering lamp hanging from his cell ceiling.

The once white and blue hospital gown draping over Suga's shoulders, is now full of bloody handprints and blood stains. Self inflicted bruises, cuts, and dry blood litter Suga's sickly pale skin, ruining his once beautiful creamy appearance. While Suga's eyes hold absolutely no emotions, he's often seen with a sinister smile that never fails to send shivers down anyone's spine.

Large ugly sleep deprived bags rest under Suga's unexpressive dull eyes. Dry and newly drawn blood lines Suga's mouth, a couple drops sneaking down his chin and soaking his torn up, bare feet.

Suga's hair lies flat, messy, and matted on his head, bristling slightly as the breeze from the air vents run through it.

Suga's exhausted yet psychotic eyes meet yours as you enter his cell slowly. As you make eye contact with Suga, his face stretches into a wide, unsettling grin, sending shivers straight down your spine.

"Hello, you must be my new nurse." Suga states, rather than questions, his voice monotone.

"Yes. I'll be helping you out for a while." You state, anxiety settling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of helping the most seriously insane patient in the hospital.

"Oh, great. But don't plan on staying too long. I can and will get rid of you." Suga says maniacally, the same crazy grin spread across his face as he nears you and slowly drags his bloody pale fingers across your neck.

You tense at his touch, your breath hitching and your eyes closing in fear.

"Don't worry. I have no intention on hurting you."

You sigh in relief, as Suga's curled fingers slide off from your neck and his skinny form retreats back to his torn up bed.


"Oh god." You whisper quietly to yourself, eyes slipping shut for a split second in thought.

"Tell me about yourself." You start, taking a seat on the metal chair sat directly in front of Suga.

"Why should I?"

"Hmm, well you don't need too. But, I'd like to get to know you."


"... my name's Sugawara Koushi."

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