Fuck Seaworld

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*at the zoo or whatever*

Adam: fuck the zoo and fuck you barry
Barry: Damn nigga tf is your problem? You ain't been getting no dick huh? 🤣
Adam: Stfu you know I get dick bitch, I got hoes. I fuck wit em big titty goth bitches
Barry: why you lying? You ain't got no bitches
Adam: first of all nigga, I do got bitches and they show me love. You know who don't show you love? That big foreheaded nigga. What was his name again? Brandon Urine....
Barry: fucking end your life you scum, his name is Brendon Urie
Adam: woah that really brought out the emo in you

*in the car doing car nigga things*

Barry's P.O.V

          Maybe... Maybe Adam's right. I'm really out here chasing after a emo celebrity who met Obama once and only remembered being told that he liked his suit. Maybe I should give up on Brendon. I mean I can't really compete with Sarah...
          Adam spoke up finally, after noticing how depressed his friend was. Looking out the car window with a face of sadness.
"So uh hey, about what my retarded ass said earlier dawg...", Adam was quickly cut off by Barry. "Dawg about earlier, it's Gucci. I realized you're right :)". Barry lied straight through his teeth, Adam was not right. If anything Barry was angry, at first he was upset and contemplated crying. But Barry a bad Bitch, so he turned that sadness into anger... he had to kill that fuck nigga Adam.

~Hi this is longgggggg over do, I'm sorry. But I added a whole ass new plot just to be a hoe and maybe make this interesting? Idk lmao hope y'all enjoy

True love; Barry Benson x Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now