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Realizing that I was in love with Jungkook terrified me. It was all I thought about for days; days in which I did not message or call him.

Now it had been a week since the last time we'd spoken, which was when he texted me at school. He'd tried reaching out to me but I'd muted him, not trusting myself not to say anything that would ruin whatever we had.

Did we even have anything?

I groaned out loud, rubbing my palms over my face. I flipped over onto my stomach, my face buried in my pillow.


The ring of my doorbell echoed through the apartment, and I groaned again, at a volume normally reserved for yelling. Sluggishly I rolled out of bed and shuffled to the front door, throwing it open to reveal one of my good friends, someone I definitely didn't want to see right now.

"Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok's cheery voice exclaimed as he enveloped me in a hug. I sighed as he entered my apartment, closing the door behind him. I walked over to the couch, flopping down and staring blankly up at him. "Aishh, what's got you so down?" Hoseok furrowed his brows as he approached me, sitting next to me.

I waved dismissively, not really wanting to talk about my love life woes with Hoseok. "It's nothing, hyung."

But that did nothing to deter him. He tipped his head to the side like a puppy, pouting his lips slightly. "Tae...don't lie to hyung."

I huffed, running my hand through my hair. "Fine. I'm a lonely, pathetic sack of shit who's in love with someone who likely doesn't even like me back. And I've been avoiding him for a week."

Hoseok gaped at me. "You fell in love? Aww, my little Taehyungie is all grown up! Who's the lucky guy?"

"You don't know him... he's from Busan." I muttered.

Hoseok just nodded. "How'd you meet him, then?"

"Online." was my simple answer. Hoseok just blinked, waiting for me to continue. "I, ah, I've followed his Tumblr for a little more than a year now. So I finally messaged him."

Hoseok cooed, ruffling my hair. "I'm happy for you, Tae. But why's he got you so down?"

I sighed, "Because I don't think I mean as much to him as he does to me."

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