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"Is it bad that I kinda miss her?" I whimpered, looking up at Jin, who was petting my hair.

"Of course not. She's your mother," replied Namjoon, from where he was laying on the bed. "But don't waste your time on people who don't accept you and love you the way you are."

I sighed. "Easy for you to say."

Jin frowned. "Jungkook..."

I pouted. "Sorry. I'm just, I don't know. Lost? I got kicked out, I miss Taehyung, it's all so sudden and I kinda just wanna curl up in a ball and cry."

I'd been staying at Namjoon's house for about three days now. Jin was here most of the time. He told me even though he lives at home, he spends most of his time here, and that he and Namjoon are saving to buy their own place.

They'd been taking really good care of me, and I even had my own room. Namjoon's parents were both very kind and told me they were happy to have me.

Jin pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me and enveloping me in his warmth. "Jungkookie, everything is going to be okay. I promise," he soothed, "Hey, I forgot to tell you. My parents called our doctor today and got you a prescription for testosterone."

I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Really, hyung?" Jin nodded, smiling. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you," I chanted, hugging him tight.

"So who's Taehyung?" Namjoon asked, rolling into his stomach and resting his chin in his hands.

I blushed. "He's this guy I've been talking to online, I kinda have a crush on him. But he's been avoiding me for a couple weeks so I'm kinda sad."

Jin hummed. "I'm sure he has a good reason why he wasn't talking to you. Have you tried reaching out to him?"

I nodded. "We actually talked the night I got kicked out, well, it was before. When you guys came for dinner, and my mom was trying to make me put on a dress. I was upset so I just called him and he calmed me down."

"And he hasn't texted you since?" Namjoon asked.

I shook my head.

"Have you texted him?"

I bit my lip, shaking my head.

"Well Jungkookie, someone has to text first," laughed Jin. I reddened. "Come on, where's your phone? Let's message this Taehyung."

I picked up my phone from the floor and opened Kakao.

jeonjungkook: tae?

itstaehyung: kookie!!
you okay?

jeonjungkook: um yeah
jeonjungkook: well i got
kicked out so

itstaehyung: oh my god!
why didn't you tell me?

jeonjungkook: i dunno

Suddenly in the middle of
messaging Taehyung, I got a text from Jimin.

parkjiminiee: why the hell
did you not tell me you
got kicked out
parkjiminiee: where tf are you
parkjiminiee: i swear to
god jungkook

I didn't even have time to question how he figured out that I was kicked out, only rushing to answer him before he got mad. Jimin was scary when he was angry.

jeonjungkook: sorry hyunggg <33333 it was all kinda a rush
and i didn't really talk to
u or gyeomie
jeonjungkook: i'm staying at
my friend jin's boyfriends house
jeonjungkook: i know that
sounds sketch but i swear
they're rly nice people
jeonjungkook: jins boyfrisnd
is trans too if that makes u
feel any better?

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