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An alluring female walked confidently into the subway making me come to have a loss of breath, she took my breath away with just one glance. Biting my lip, waiting for her to walk my way. She smiled warmly at me, taking long strides towards my table. A few steps from my table, I stood automatically to greet the ravishing women walking up to me.

"Hi." I greeted because that was one of the only and few words that my brain seemed to process other than the world hot.

"Hi." she says while smiling even brighter at me. It started getting awkward after a minute of silence, for some reason I was kind of disappointed that she wasn't actually Demi Lovato but at least I wasn't lied to the whole time we've talked. Is it bad I feel guilty about kissing Demi Lovato?

"How are you Dem?" I ask her trying to end the awkward silence between the two of us.

"Who?" What does she mean by who? Obviously I was talking to her, considering she's the only person near me and well her name is Dem, right,


"Oh sorry me, ok, I'm doing great my boyfri- my friend that's a guy is being actually nice instead of a jerk for once." She smiled at me. Was she just about to say boyfriend? What the hell! She's not even into other females why the did she flirt with me in the first place?

"That's good, I guess." She smiled until I had said I guess. Blood rushed to my cheeks in complete embarrassment, from the fact she's straight and doesn't go for the same gender. Is it just me or is it possible that I kissed Demi Lovato and still feel guilty for doing it when I really like Demi? Should I tell her or not?

"Abbie I just wanted to tell you I really, really like you!" She said to me in a happy tone which made me upset even more. Maybe she isn't straight.

"I'm sorry Dem I can't continue talking to you or leading you on. If you even if you like me I fell to guilty." Breathing in I took a huge gulp of air in and swallowed hard readying myself to finish the thing I have to do. " I kissed another girl and I liked it. Like I really liked it. I think I might of fell for her, and hard."

She stayed still just blinking at me. This made me feel even worse causing me to frown deeper and want to cry from the pain I fell for inflicting it onto her.

"You kissed another girl? Who?" She questioned

Should I tell her the truth about Demi Lovato or lie? Would she believe me or think of me as a large liar? Screw it I have to tell her the truth she at least deserves that.

"Demi Lovato." She gave me a questioning look and nodded while getting up from her seat and smiled at me. Not with a fake smile but with a real genuine smile making me shiver in fear. Why is she so happy? Stand me up I said sincerely "I'm truly and greatly sorry for the hurt I have conflicted onto you."

"All is well." She once again smiled and walked out of the subway. Just like that I let her leave.

Not in the mood to eat anymore I decided to leave subway and head back to Emily's house to tell her what happened. I don't know if I should be smiling in glee or if I should feel completely and utterly upset and disappointed at myself?

At least the guilt left me but the downside is it was filled with sorrow. The girl I thought I had developed extremely strong feelings for had walked out of subway away from me because of a stupid kiss between me and Demi Lovato which was a one time thing. Chances of meeting her again are slim and gets thinner and thinner all the time.

The kiss felt meaningful but I just ruined the chance of a perfect and happy relationship with Dem because Demi kissed me. Don't get me wrong Demi isn't the only one at fault because I am too but if she didn't lean in I would have never kissed her in the first place.

Enjoy and I dedicate this to all the people who continue reading this even though I have an irregular schedule while updating. Thank you guys!

Emily ♥️

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