Chapter 1 - 6 years later

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It was a dark day on the isle of the lost, and who better than Dianna to help it glow a little brighter? She stomped out the door of the house she shared with Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. Wearing a plain white crop top with a leather jacket with flames embroidered at the back, followed by black pants that had golden dragons sewn by its sides. With her scarf tied to her arm, She strolled to the marketplace, hopefully to find her four friends. Crazily enough, there they were.

Mal, the daughter of Maleficent, was up on the roof a building, spray painting a symbol of her mother with the words "Long Live!" on the symbol. Jay, the son of Jafar, thieving away as he steals anything valuable or that of which resembling a lamp. Carlos, the son of Cruella De Vil, crawling out of a window whilst stealing a scarf and an apple from a child a few years younger than him, and finally Evie, the daughter of the Evil Queen, crashing a lunch party the peasants of the isle were having, kicking their dinner plates as she walked along the table.

Dianna smirked as she decided that she wanted to join in on the action, she flicked her arm out, and her arm glowed with a bright red fire. She climbed up the table to where Evie stood, now side by side, they smiled in unison.

"A little late to the party are we?" Evie said, a smile painted across her lips. Dianna smiled in return, as the flames from her arm glowed brighter.

"There's nothing wrong with being fashionably late." Dianna replied. She aimed her arm towards a building, focusing all of her might she unleashed a wall of fire as it burned the building down to the ground. The peasants complaining and whining on about having to rebuild their house once more. They both laughed as they watched the commoners jump around in frantic worry grabbing hold of their belongings saving every bit they can.

"Nice shot, lets aim for Carlos this time." Evie said, they laughed in unison at the thought.

"Aye, she sure is one hell of a hot head." a familiar voice said, Dianna turned to where she heard the voice, his red coat made him look taller, elegant. a grey torn sweater underneath it, matching his dazzling grey eyes, and a hook on his right arm. Harry smiled as he came closer to where Dianna stood on the table.

"Harry, what are you doing on my turf?" Mal said, finished with her spray painting she crossed her arms together as Jay and Carlos stood behind her. Harry simply smiled as he bowed, his head turned to Dianna as he gave her a little wink.

"Simply crossing by don't mind me, though I would love it if I could have a little chit chat with your friend Dianna?" He smirked as he straightened, he extended an arm to Dianna, with a smirk spread across his face. Dianna looked to Mal who simply nodded, she took his hand and she followed him, passing Mal, but Mal gripped Dianna's shoulder.

"Be back soon, my mother wants us home because she has an important announcement or whatever." She informed Dianna, She nodded in agreement and followed Harry.

He had led her all the way to the docks, Harry smiled at her, his face radiating happiness. Diana let out a chuckle, her best friend hasn't been this happy since the day they first met.

"I like the way you laugh like that, it makes me think that you're not as evil as you claim to be." He said as he led her through the docks, Dianna scoffed at the statement.

"Don't test me you scurvy dog, now what is it that you brought me here for? I can't stay long, Maleficent is waiting for me to get home." Harry stayed silent, thought still smiling. It wasn't until a few moments after did he stop and turned to Dianna, he untied the scarf from her arm and blindfolded her. With Harry now behind her, his hook now across her neck, Dianna could feel his breath on her neck. She swore she almost felt as if he had gently laid his lips on her neck, but she disregarded the thought as she felt the point of his hook jab her neck.

"Watch it pirate, or I'll see to it that hook of yours melts." Harry laughed as he whispered in Dianna's ear, his warm breath made her own breathing hitch.

"I'm not the one blindfolded with a hook to her throat." He exclaimed, he then let out a soft chuckle as he continued, "No peeking, I can't wait to show you this."

After a few minutes of walking, he halted her to a stop. Then, slowly, he untied the bandana from her head, letting the light slowly enter her peripheral vision. Harry re-tied the scarf back onto her arm.When she could clearly see again, she realised that she was standing in front of a ship, made of Oak wood and with intricate rose gold designs, following the masts of the ship. At the front of the ship was a wooden carving of a girl with eight tentacles, Dianna kept looking around for a name, her jaw dropped when she noticed.

"The S.S. Hot head sure is a beauty isn't she? I may not be captain, but I am the first mate. Uma acts as the captain seeing as she's more powerful than I am. What do you think Dianna?" Dianna stayed silent as she let the sight of this magnificent ship process her.

"I guess you were meant to be on a ship after all." Dianna stood there as she looked to her best friend standing on his very own ship, she didn't know what she felt, grief? or was it excitement? she could not tell.

"Do you not like it? You don't seem very excited about this. Is something the matter?" Harry asked, his face confused mostly. Dianna simply shook her head and laughed.

"Its amazing Harry, I'm really happy for you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head home." Dianna said as she turned her back on Harry, and however hard he tried calling her name, Dianna did not turn back.


Dianna reached home in a matter of minutes, she opened the doors to find the parents of her friends coddling their children, The Evil Queen teasing Evie's hair and putting on her makeup for her, Maleficent having a staring contest with Mal, as both their eyes glowed green, Jafar brushing Jay's shoulders as if there was debris on them, and Cruella De Vil patting Carlos' head as if he was some mutt.

"What did I miss?" Dianna said, feeling extremely left out seeing as her father wasn't there to coddle her. Maleficent turned to Dianna after having won the staring contest from Mal.

"Ah! There you are my girl, Now come, I have an exciting announcement for all five of you." Dianna and her friends stood confused, they turned to each other to see if any of them have a clue as to what's going on.

The parents of the four children gathered together with Maleficent in the middle as she smiled towards each and every one of the children as she informed.

"You five, have been chosen to go to a different school. In Auradon."

Author's Note

Hello! I hope you guys liked the first chapter, this is kind of my own twist to the Descendants story line so I'll be starting from the first movie. Chapter 2 will be out soon! let me know if you guys wanna see anything in particular!

- Ryan <3

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