A normal day...or is it?

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Ayato POV

There's a woman on....a small bed in a....white room? A hospital? Why is she in a hospital? Is she sick? She doesn't look sick.

"Ayato" she whispers

How does she know my name? Do I know her? I don't remember her.

"Ayato, my son" she says

Her son? I'm her son? Oh yes now I remember. This woman, she's my mother and she's sick that's why we're in the hospital.

"Yes mother?" My mouth moves on its own answering in a small quivering voice.

"I'm dying dear" she whispers

"Please mother stay a while longer" I cry out desperately not wanting my mother to leave.

"I'm sorry baby but I have to go. Always remember I love you. Keep living baby" she smiles one last time taking her final breath as her eyes slip close never to open again.

I fall to the floor sobbing as nurses file into the room and wheel her away casting me saddened and pitied glances. I don't need nor want their pity, I wanted my mother back.

Suddenly the room turn pitch black and there's my mother standing up looking as healthy as can be.


"Wake up" she says


"Wake up"

What does she mean?

"WAKE UP!!!!"



I stare blankly up at the ceiling from the floor, the blankets sprawled over me. I sigh quietly and slowly get off the floor stretching curious as to what woke me up.


I jump slightly at the loud yell and groan. Ah yes my father. Giving such a affectionate title to such a disgusting man leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I simply refer to him as that man

Yawning I make my way downstairs with a blank look on my face because I refuse to let that man know what I was feeling.

"Well look who decided to get up" he sneered, to be honest he looked like a pig with facial deficiencies on steroids.

"Make me breakfast bitch"

"Yes sir" I grounded out between clenched teeth and got to making his food.

Time skip brought to you by my adorable panda-chan!!! 😘😘

I was walking to school with my headphones on watching naruto on my phone. 'Naruto-kun is so cute' I inwardly fanboyed but kept my face blank on the outside. 'I wish I was in naru-kun's world then I could fuck up sasuke for what he did to my naru-kun'  I thought with a vicious glint in my eyes while crossing the road.

"HEY WATCH OUT!!!" A voice called out. Looking up I only saw two big and bright headlights before everything went black.


Hey people so this is the first chapter if it get a good review I'll continue if not *shrugs* I guess I'll just stop writing so please comment and tell me what you think okay? Buh-bye!!!

I'm in the naruto world huh?.....CoolWhere stories live. Discover now