Twelfth Letter

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Dearest Best Friend,

Hey, I know you are wondering when I started writing letters for you... Well, to tell you the truth, it was when I entered college life and these are the memories of us. I really miss you, S. Every time I heard someone about their best friends all I could think about is you, especially our bonding together.

Anyway, when we moved to our new home in the city... Gosh! It was so hot. I need to drink lots of water and air condition please! When I say it's hot, it's like our new home is near the sun. Don't laugh at me, I'm serious. Oh yeah, I got summer class, why? I failed my math and I hate math. It's my first time in having summer class; it is my second time though. My first summer class is about my Health subject, yeah, that's a minor subject and I failed it. Sorry! When I was first year high school, I was only focusing myself in something. Yeah, my mind is somewhere else; maybe thinking my crush (LOL!) or maybe I was still thinking if Santa Claus is real. So, because of it, I had stay at my grandparents (father's side) because it is near the school where I am taking my summer class. When I passed my math subject, my dad immediately enrolled me to my new school which is co-ed, private and expensive school. Where the boys and girls are separated. Yes, it is co-ed but separated buildings. The boys building is on the left side while the girls building is on the right side. Did you know that the boys and girls will only be together at pre-school to 6th grade and they became high school they will get separated. Sucks right? They only got merged if it is during club activities or school events. I thought this was only happens in the stories but not; so, I might be the only person who transfer a lot; house to house and school to school. New classmates and friends again... I guess I'm going to do this again. Making new friends again.

Wish me luck, S.

Your ex-best friend,


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