Chapter 8

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I decided to get up early and make breakfast for the boys. Last night was eventful, from playing 21 questions to Louis' reenactment of titanic, it was a great time.I'll make them pancakes, bacon, and eggs.  

As i'm cooking Ed wakes up and walks into the kitchen. "Mornin Kat"
"Mornin Dad, how ya doin?",i respond.

"Pretty good, it smells good in here",he says while hovering over the bacon. "Thanks"

"Hey dad, I was wondering", I say.

"Uh oh what is it?", he says sitting himself on the counter.

"Nothing bad.. I just wanted to know if i was going to go to school at all. I mean I know I can't go to a public school because of the tour and everything but I would like to graduate. "

"I don't really know. Maybe you can graduate early. I know some kids graduate when they are 16 or 17 so maybe we can put you in an online program. I'll text Simon and see what he suggests."

"Okay, thanks dad"

"No problem kitty kat, I'm gonna go throw some clothes on . Be right back", he says disappearing upstairs.

"I know that you'd use me from the day that we first met, but I'm not done yet ..fallin' for ya.. fools gold"

"What song is that?", I turn around quickly and see Harry leaning over the counter watching me. "Oh it's just something I wrote"
"What's it called?"

"I'm thinking Fools Gold, I've only got the chorus written out. I need to write the rest but I'm having trouble. Plus I don't think it's a good song to put onto my album, I think it's better for a group. "

"Maybe we can sit down after breakfast and finish it", he says.

"That'd be great Harry, I'd love to".

"Is that food?!", Niall shouts and runs into the kitchen.

"Yesssss", Louis follows into the kitchen and they both grab their plate off of the counter and begin stuffing their faces. Liam and Zayn just walk in casually and grab their plate.

Zayn grabs his and goes outside and sits down on our outside dining table alone. Something seems a bit off with him.

"Hey guys what's wrong with Zayn?"

"We don't know, maybe it's something with Perrie. He's just been distant for a while. We started recording FOUR and he  just seems upset about something", Louis says.

"I'm gonna go talk to him", i say.

"Go ahead.. we've tried already", Liam says.

I walk outside and Zayn is just staring up at the sky. He looks like he's really thinking about something.

"Zayn.. is everything ok", i say worried.

"Honestly.. No", he says with no facial expression

"Talk to me, you can tell me", i say.

"You swear you'll keep it between us until I'm ready to tell?"

"Of course, now what's going on", i say.

"I think I'm leaving the band" , he says in one breath.

"What.. why?"

"I don't know I feel as if I need to go off on my own. Like the band isn't for me.. you know?"

"How long have you felt this way?"

"Ever since we got together. But I've been feeling like this the most these past couple of months. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love being with the boys and recording songs with them and performing. But I want to go off and do my own thing, just be  Zayn.. not one direction you know?"

"I understand completely.. you have a right to feel this way. When will you tell the boys?"

"Were almost done recording FOUR and the tour starts in a few months so I'll tell them before we leave for tour, this will be the last time we will perform on tour together.

"Okay", i say

"Thanks Kat.. for listening and supporting me. Thank you so much", he says.

"No problem Uncle Zayn, I'm here for all of you when you need me"

"Will you be there with me when I tell them please?"

"I'll be right by your side", I say smiling.

"Thank you so much"

"Just promise me you'll call and visit me when you're touring on your own"

"Of course Kat"

"You'll be fine Zayn.. don't worry", I reassure him. He smiles in response and we go back inside to the rest of the group.


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