Player Info

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When you first open the game, a screen will appear, asking a few basic questions. Your gender, your name, age, etc. And then, at the very bottom, one of the most important parts of your game. The username. A username cannot be changed, and alternate accounts are strictly prohibited. A username may be up to 24 characters long. All letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed. Everything else will show up as an invalid username. No two usernames are the same.

After you have selected your username, you will be brought to a character creation screen. Here, you will pick your race, and design your character. You can make them short, tall, anything you want. Outfits may be changed later on throughout the game as you please. You can buy new outfits from shops using coins (Coins are purely cosmetic. They will only buy you new outfits. You can receive coins from events or battles). You will also get outfits from special events and from leveling up.

After designing your character, you will be brought to an element and role selection screen. You may change your element once you reach level 40, but you may NOT change your role, so choose wisely.

Once you have decided on your perfect character, you will be brought into the game world, and your adventure begins.

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