02// a broken promise

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A/N: Okay so yea, there are a couple things I'm gonna address here. So someone kindly pointed out to me that Mr. Harris died back in 3A, so I will definitely be changing the name to some other substitute teacher.

Also I would like to clarify that this takes place in season 3B, but it won't exactly be the same plot. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy

 Anyways, I hope you all enjoy

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a broken promise

"Teddy, please...this isn't you. Don't you remember me?"

The voice grated against Teddy's ear similar to how nails dragged across a chalkboard as she walked amongst the deep, dark, forest. It was annoying. She wanted to get rid of it promptly so she could continue on peacefully.

"You promised! You said you wouldn't be like him!"

The voice continued on, causing Teddy's eye to twitch. Why didn't the voice know when to shut up? All she wanted to do was walk through the woods. She liked the way the leaves crunched under her feet with every step she took. The chilling air kissed upon her cheeks, and made her feel as if she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

"Teddy...Teddy don't go there."

But Teddy didn't listen. She continued to travel deeper and deeper into the eerie forest, the moonlight glistening on her creamy skin, one foot following after the other. Right, left, right, left.


Right, left, right, left...

"Teddy stop!"

Right, left...


Teddy's hand shot out to the side, gripping the neck of the voice that had been calling out to her so desperately. After minutes of squeezing, the person's words had turned into in audible squeaks before fading away into nothingness. Finally, she thought. She could continue her progress. But first, she had to see who the voice belonged to.

Her eyes turned in the direction of where her arm was extended and followed it until she was able to see the person's face. Through the moonlight, she was met with a lifeless familiar pair of dark brown eyes, beautiful dark skin, and curly dark hair that looked like cotton candy. As Teddy studied stared harder she made was able to deduce two things from her observations. One, it was a female.

And two. It was her mom.

Teddy shot up from her bed, out of breath as if she had run a marathon forward and back. She wasn't sure what she expected when she opened her eyes, but she was relieved when her vision was met with the pure white sheets of her bed instead of the dark forest that her mind had ventured into.

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