Chapter 8

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Faith's POV

Pulling into Hollis Park, I observe both the playground and the picnic shelter to be deserted. Hopefully there aren't any reporters lurking in the woods lining the backside of the park.

Cutting the engine, I unbuckle and slip out. Zade is backed up beside me, already opening up the tailgate. Grabbing a throw from my backseat, I lay it across the truck bed before climbing up and in. I dangle my legs, feeling petite in comparison to this beast of a vehicle.

Zade easily propels himself up next to me, settling down on the thin blue material. He hands me a large container of my favorites before saying grace. We both dig in—the occasional honk of a car or the whistle of the wind—comprising background music for our meal.

Unable to help myself I steal a quick sideways glance at his profile. The curve of his jaw is chiseled out of granite and his straight nose provides an air of boldness. My eyes drop southward to take in a formfitting hunter green shirt and khaki shorts. My mouth begins to water and attraction causes butterflies to take flight in my stomach.

It should be a crime to look so good. The man's a walking Gucci ad while I'm the poster girl for 'comfy and practical.'  

I swallow a mouthful of hot shrimp and rice before clearing my throat. "I suppose this is a bit boring for someone used to big, bright and flashy."

"Are you complaining about your 5-star dining accommodations ma'am?" His fake snooty accent reminds me of one of those chefs who dominate in cooking but lack the personality factor. "I'll have you know this is our finest seat in the house and our plastic silverware is made of the highest synthetic grade."

I bite back a grin, heart fluttering. His ever-present sense of humor is out in full-force and I'm basking in its rays.

Picking up a fortune cookie, he expertly pops it open before pulling out a small slip of white paper and reading out loud, "A picnic with a beautiful woman trumps a fancy restaurant any day."

I snatch the words out of his hand. "It does not say that!" Reading silently, the fortune indicates peace for those who enjoy the little things in life.

Zade lifts a shoulder up, completely unapologetic. "Doesn't make it any less true."

Shifting in my seat, I have difficulty believing his words are legit. "You give all your actress girlfriends that line?"

A hint of darkness sweeps over his features so rapidly I almost believe I imagined it. "I've dated one actress and one model. I can assure you that this is a first for me." He sweeps his arm out, encompassing our picnic and the location in his gesture.

My voice sounds small and timid as I respond, "I'm sorry."

Shaking his head, Zade smiles but it is tinged with regret. "No, I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget I'm in the spotlight whether the cameras are on or not." Sighing heavily, he sets his half eaten dinner aside as I do the same.

I reach over and lay a hand on top of his own. "It must be difficult. Everyone in your business, thinking they know you even if they are incredibly deluded."

He laces his fingers with mine, tiny calluses brushing against my soft skin. "I meant what I said even though it sounds as if I'm spouting out lines."

With a gentle squeeze of my hand, I convey my trust.

"Actually, I haven't been involved in a relationship in eight months. Mostly because it turned into a media nightmare." 

I wish I could wipe away the frown marring his features and affix a permeant smile. God sure graced him with a beauty of one.

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