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I'm Destiny, and I'm emotionless.

I don't mean that in a mean way. I mean that I'm the way that, I personally, can't express emotions. It's something that I've had trouble with since I was little. I didn't much care what people thought about me, but at the same time society told me that I had too. What I wore, what makeup I had on, what color I painted my nails, what food I ate, what bands I liked, etc. Though all that stuff didn't matter to me.

I've lost friends because they thought I was to... weird? I wasn't for their liking. After going through many fake people, I didn't trust as easily, or as much. Being alone isn't that bad though-- personally I love being alone, because it means no one's going to stab me in the back later on in life. If I don't make friends, who is going to hurt me?

Junior year at SilverStone High School is starting soon. I've lasted a while without friends, I've lasted a while with the bullying, and I've lasted a while alone.

Besides I get a ton of alone time at home. My mother works out of town, my father got kicked out of the family for beating my sister when he was drunk, and my older brother goes to college. It's just me and my sister, Autumn. She isn't the type of bad little sister though. Actually, she's quite the opposite. She understands when I want to be alone, and we end up getting along pretty well.

When mother is home, that's when we really try and isolate ourselves. Mother comes home really drunk, brings home a "bed-friend", or brings over one of her very impolite business partners.

Autumn tries to cope with mother by inviting friends from her school, she doesn't realize it, but they only come cause the games we have and the food she makes. I've tried to tell her that friends aren't worth, that it isn't worth the pain. She doesn't listen. She so wants desperately people to like her that she doesn't understand what people can do, and what pain they can give her.

"Denny, when does your school start?" Autumn askes as she knocks on the door.

"I told you not to call me that, and I'm sure it starts tomorrow." I replied as she came into my bedroom.

I move over so she can sit next to me, I shut my laptop as she cuddles next to me. "Your school starts later than mine, remember?"

"Yeah I know," She looked at the ceiling where the clouds her and I painted lay. "I don't like the nanny that comes, she always is on her phone."

"Gloria is nice, and that's the same excuse you used for the last nanny." I looked down at her.

"Why can't you stay home?" She always asked that when she gets really tired.

"You know the reason." I kissed her head she instantly curled up and fell asleep up against me.

Once my alarm went off, I knew I would be late for school, Autumn was still sleeping beside me. I sighed, "School, fantastic." I sat up, setting Autumn gently on the bed. I tried to put on the least appealing outing, hopefully no one tries to talk to me. I made a small note to Autumn and the nanny before I left;
"Breakfast is in the fridge, I'm in student council and we have a meeting today, I'll be a bit late home. Gloria, if she tells you to leave again, just set her in her room.
Thank you
xoxo -Destiny".

Though I left the note, she already knows what to do. When father got forced out, mother broke, she would always hurt others, and Autumn got the worst of the yelling, suddenly everything became Autumn's fault. Her and I had to learn to live on our own for a while; make food, clean the house, until Alex, our brother, found out.

He knew mother was in a bad state of mind, but we didn't know if it was because of father, or her job that threw her mentality off. She was always working even before father left.

Once we arrived at school, I knew I had to cut my mind off and focus on work.


And thus, a new story begins...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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