Meeting them Series- Joe

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Me and Joe grew up together. My family left London to move to Germany to stay with family. My mom got a message from Tracey saying she wanted to see us again. It's been about 10 years since we saw them.

Birth Giver: Hey sweetie. We are going to take a trip to London this weekend to see the Sugg family. Would you like to come?

Y/N: Of Course!! I miss them so much.

Birth Giver: Okay we are going to drive down and stay with them for a week.


After we all got packed up I threw my stuff in the back and opened the door. I threw myself onto the seat as I put my headphones in.

The car ride is about ten hours long. I sighed resting my head back on the seat.


After the ride we pulled into the driveway. It instantly brought back memories. I looked to the left looking at our old house. I smiled thinking about the parties and stuff we all did.

I opened the door and stepped out of the car. I fixed my vans and my leggings as I bent over. I walked over to the back of the car to get my stuff when I heard yelling.

"Oh my god!! Y/M/N" Tracey yelled to my mother. They hugged as Graham and my dad shook hands. I saw Zoe walk out of the house and hug my parents. "Where's Y/N?" She asked.

"Getting her stuff from the car" Zoe walked over towards me and we hugged. "I've missed you so much" I said to her. "Oh my gosh. Me too. Joe has been talking about you coming for the whole week" She laughed.

I laughed at her as I saw someone step out of the door. "Oh my god. He looks so different" I smiled. "I know" Zoe giggled. He then ran over to us and picked me up. "I've missed you so much" He said as he hugged me tightly.

We have been best friends since before I can remember. This just made me so happy. "You look so different" I smiled at him as he put me down. "In a good or bad way?" He smirked. "Good way stop" I hit his chest.

"You don't look to bad yourself" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh god. The flirting has already started and it's been a minute" Zoe rolled her eyes with a laugh.

I blushed as I looked down at my hands. "Here. Let me take your stuff" He said picking up my bag. "Joe. You don--" "yes I do" He said walking into his house.

I followed behind him as we walked up the stairs. "The three of us have to share a room" He smiled as I saw two beds in the spare room. "Okay"

"How was your trip up?" He asked. "Boring..." I sighed as I threw myself on the bed. He then laid next to me. "I missed you Joesph Graham Sugg" I smiled. "And I missed you Y/N. Y/M/N. Y/L/N"

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