Chapter 13: The Mission

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Heidi's POV

I made my way into the shop, looking frantically around looking for Uma, "UMA!" I yell. "What!" Uma yells back, walking into the main part of the shop, "I have important news." I said trying to catch my breath. "Well spit out, I need Harry and you to go collect our money from Dizzy Tremaine." Uma said tossing a tray of food in front of a customer. "You won't believe it M...." I was cut off by the sound of wicked laughter echoing through the from outside, in walked a very hungover Harry, he was still in his clothes from last night, and his hair was a mess. I lost my train thought, my mind flooding with scenarios that could answer why he looked like that, "Looks like someone had a goodnight." Uma said, smiling over at Harry. "Well let's just say I had a 'pur'fectly good time last night." Harry staggered over to the long table and hopped over it. I stood there shocked, not moving an inch. I was snapped back to reality by Uma snapping her fingers in front of my face. "HEIDI!" Uma yelled, "What?" I asked confused, Uma gave me a weird look, "You said you had something important to tell me?" I nodded my head, "As I was coming here I took my shortcut and saw Ma..." There was a loud crash in the kitchen. "GIL, YE IDIOT! KEEP IT DOWN, I HAVE HEADACHE!" Harry yelled covering his ears with his hands clutching his hair. "I will be back, I can never trust Gil in the kitchen by himself." Uma growled heading to the back kitchen. I walk over to the long table, swinging my legs over it. "So, do I even what to know what you did last night?" I asked, regretting the question as soon as I asked it. "All ye need to know is that after you went home, I stopped by the diamond smile tavern to celebrate getting my hook back." Harry said not having the strength to lift his head off the table. Suddenly from the kitchen I hear the sound of metal pots and pans moving, then a loud thumping noise, "OUCH!" I hear Gil yell. Uma comes out from the back dragging Gil behind her by his ear. "You stay out of the kitchen." She orders Gil. Harry moans in pain, "Here." Uma says shoving a tray of food to him. I am torn on what I should do, on one hand I think I should let Harry suffer for whatever he did last night, on the other hand I hate to see him like this. I let out a loud huff and start rubbing his back. "Harry I need you and Heidi to go collect on Dizzy." Uma commanded, Harry doesn't say a word, but nods his head. After Harry is done eating his food, he shoves the empty tray aside, lifts his head up, hops back over the table, and holds his hand out to me, "Yes?" I asked confused about this gesture, "Well are ye coming with me or are ye going to face Uma's wrath for disobeying an order?" 'sometimes I really hate Uma as my captain' I thought to myself. I take Harry's hand and hop over the table. "You smell like a girl by the way." I comment walking out of the shop, Harry trailing behind me. "Why are you so moody today?" Harry asked, as we made our way to Curl up and Dye. "I just didn't sleep well last night, family drama." I halfway lied. "Something is bothering you." Harry pushed further. "I REALLY DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW, WE HAVE SOMETHING TO DO, SO LET'S FOCUS ON THAT RIGHT NOW!" I hollered at him. Harry was quite for a second, "Your right, we need to focus on what is important, and not get side tracked." I hated that I snapped on him, I playfully bump his side, causing him to stumble a little, Harry laughs looking down at me, and playfully shoves my shoulder. I don't why, but when it comes to Harry Hook I can never stay mad at him for too long, and it seems it's the same to him when it comes to me. "Do you want stop by the diamond smile tavern to hello to your friend." I mocked him with a laughing smile. Harry's face showed he really didn't want to talk about it, "ha, ha." He darkly said. We stopped just before the divided alleyway, "We should go left, it's quicker." Harry suggested. "No, the right is quicker." I said knowing the way like the back of my hand. "I think as a pirate I have a better sense of direction." I place my hand on my hip "I think since I have been there a thousand times, that I have the better sense of direction." I cross my arms over my chest. "As the first mate, I say left." He said with authority. "Fine." I say flipping my hair over my shoulder hitting him in the face with it. "You're the boss." Was the last thing I said as he headed down the 'wrong' left alleyway. After about an hour, we spot the sign. "Told ya," Harry said with a satisfying smirk plastered on his lips, "If we would have taken the right alleyway it would cut our time in half." I said annoyed that it took this long, "Oh come on, it might have taken longer but think of it like this, it was just more time you and I got to spend together." I smiled as he said that, it was true, maybe Harry planned it out like that. "Right, like I don't see you enough during the day." Harry faked a look of hurt on his face, but soon turned it into a sly smile as he whispered in my ear, "You know, you can't get enough of me." His hot breath on my ear made my body shiver. As Harry and I entered Curl up & Dye, I suddenly remembered that I never told Uma about Mal being back on the Isle, oh well I almost certain that I would run into her again.

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