Poison or not?

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I found poison in her system.

"Did you find something Jess?" Red asks. I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"P-p-poison. S-she has poison in her system." I stutter.

"What? Really?" I nod.

"We need to get it out of her fast or she will die." I say with panic.

"How do we do that?" He asks.

"I don't know go get my spell book and I'll look it up." I command and he nods. I put my hand on her chest and start to force healing magic into her. "Come on Shelby wake up." I say shaking her a little. It's no use.

"Red comes back with my spell book and I flip through the pages trying to find something. I get to one page labeled poison. I quickly scan through it.

Water poison-
Only can be cured by a person with water powers. Put person with poison in water along with the person with water powers. The person with powers has to radiate magic into the water to heal the other person and get rid of the poison. Symptoms of poison: freezing, shivering, and passing out. If not taken care of fast they will die.

Fire poison-
Fire poison can only be healed by someone with fire magic.(just like my mixtape if you get that I love you!) has to touch the person with fire poison and heat up their body with their fire. Symptoms of poison: sweating, panting, passing out. If not taken care of  fast they will die.

Dark poison-
The worst out of all of them. Dark poison can only be healed by some on with dark magic. The dark magic user must try and force some dark magic into the one who is poisoned to get rid of the poison. Symptoms of poison: sweating, shivering, freezing, panting, coughing, throwing up, and passing out. All of these happen at random times. If not taken care of fast they will die faster than all of the other poisons.

I look at red with fear on my face. Someone comes barging through the door and I realize that person is Max. Then ross and Cory come in shortly after.

"Perfect all three of you are here." I say.

"What's happening to her!?" Max exclaims. I look over at Shelby to see her shivering. I touch her arm and feel that she is freezing. I quickly pick her up and take her to the bathtub with the others following me. I turn the water on and put her in.

"Ross get in and radiate your magic." I say. He hesitantly does it and gets her out along with him. I wrap a towel around her and bring her back to the bed. "Hopefully that worked." I mumble.

"Jess what's happening." Cory asks.

"Jerome put poison in her so she would die." I say and touch Shelby and feel sweat on her. "Max force your fire power into her quickly." I demand. He puts his hand on he and starts to force his powers into her. He stops and I see she isn't sweating anymore.

"Did that work?" Ross asks worriedly. I shrug and pull Shelby on my lap. She starts to shake then she starts to cough. Next she starts sweating again, and panting along with having a cold touch to her skin.

"Cory try and force some of your dark magic into her." I say.

"Won't that hurt her?" He asks.

"It's what the book says so do it." I demand and he puts his hands on her chest. He forces dark magic into her and I can feel her temperature go down. She stops coughing and stops panting. There is no more sweat on her and I can see her eyes slowly starting to open...


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