Chapter 22: Till I Collapse

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5 Kumo Jonin stood in the Hokage office, delivering a letter to the Hokage of course, concerning Naruto Uchiha. Minato looked at the letter before opening it and reading it.

Dear Hokage-dono,

I have read some exciting news that your village has finally captured Naruto Uchiha. Let me be the first Kage to congratulate you for capturing that...menace. I hope this reaches you in time. Before you execute Naruto Uchiha, show him the tape in one of my jonin's contain. It will break his spirit. And your people will enjoy it as well.

Farewell, Ay the 4th Raikage

Minato finished reading the letter and grabbed the tape and shrugged. Why not show him, it'd be the last thing he'd see before Naruto Uchiha died. Tucking it away for later, he signaled that his ANBU get Naruto and prepare him for execution.

3 Hours Later

Naruto was currently walking through the village with Kushina in tow, taking punishment from the villagers once again. He shrugged it off like he usually did. He looked like he hadn't eaten for days, his hair was a mess, and he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. All in all, he looked like shit.

When they reached the execution square, Naruto noticed a large screen right in front of it. He rose a single eyebrow, but thought nothing of it. He walked down to it, noticing the graduating class he knew were there, glaring at him. He saw Kakashi and Anko looking at him with pity. He saw Konohamaru and Hiruzen looking at him with indifferent faces. but Hiruzen looked like he knew what was going to happen. He nodded slightly to the old man, receiving one in return. He walked up the wooden stares and sat in the chair he was pushed in before the Hokage appeared.

"Naruto Uchiha, you are hereby sentenced to death by beheading. But first, as a request from Kumo, we will watch a video." Minato said. Naruto looked at the blank screen before it blinked to life.

"Greetings people of Konoha." Ay said, his one arm by his side. "If this tape is being played, then it is obvious that Naruto Uchiha is being sentenced to death. Thank God." Cheers and shouts of joy were heard throughout the village. "But as you see Naruto, I have a gift for you. You took my family away, and I will take a part of yours. Say hi to the traitor, and witness what we do to them." Ay faded out of the image to be replaced by a screenful of Samui, being branded on her cheek, her screams echoing throughout the village. The screen then showed Samui crying as she was being raped. Naruto had tears running down his face as he watched what the screen portrayed, while Minato had a look of disgust on his face.

The image of the raping of Samui changed to see her body bruised and bloodied, tied to a large stake. Naruto watched in horror as gasoline was drenched on her before many ninja blew fire onto her, her screams of pain echoed in Naruto's head. The video of Samui changed to a pleased smile on Ay's face. "I hope you are pleased with this Naruto Uchiha, that will be the last thing on your mind before your death." The screen went dark once again.

Naruto sat in the chair, his black hair covering his eyes as his head was down, crying silently.

"You could've said no." He whispered before he looked at the screen. "YOU COULD'VE SAID NO! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO COME WITH ME!" He screamed before he started twitching. His hands were clenched so hard that blood was falling from them. He glared at Minato. "If I wasn't in your prison, I could've saved her!" He cried. "You killed her! YOU KILLED MY FRIEND!" Naruto yelled in anguish as the golden chakra chains that had been keeping him held, turned a dark black. "And now, I'll kill your wife!" Naruto yelled as the black chains reached Kushina's body, she cried out in pain as the chains disappeared. She fell to the ground and was screaming. Minato rushed to her.

"Kushina-chan! What's wrong!?" He yelled in panic before a realization appeared in his head.

Naruto Uchiha was free.

"You better hope that I get life in prison Minato Namikaze, cause if that council sentences me to death, I will kill all the ninja here except for those I still care about." Those words echoed in Minato's head as he slowly turned around and looked in horror as he saw a free Naruto staring right at him with his Sharingan active, a cruel smirk across his face.

"In the next minute, Kushina Uzumaki will be dead due to chakra poisoning. Over the days, I slowly pushed small bits of chakra into the chains, in hopes of knocking her out. But when I saw that fucking tape, I decided to take someone you cared about." Naruto said. Minato looked at Kushina's weak form before she fell limp in his arms, dead. He stood up.

"You'll pay for that Naruto Namikaze Uchiha." Minato said, his teeth gritted. Naruto sighed before dozens of ANBU surrounded him. He looked at all his precious people in the village.

"I will keep my promise. After I take everyone that I care about out of the village, I'll kill Tsunade first, then Jiraiya. Uncle Orochi will be safe. The boy Namikaze will be safe. If he chooses to bring his sister, then she will be as well. But everyone else that was cruel to me before, I'll kill you all." The Anbu charged him at once, but were instantly repelled by an invisible force. "Oh please, I took down Iwa in less than 5 minutes, I could easily do that to you. I will do it to Kumo though. No one will be spared." He then disappeared in a Kamui.

"What have we done?" Minato whispered to himself.

Raikage's Office

Ay was doing paperwork with a smile on his face for once. He was happy. Naruto Uchiha was dead, therefore, his brother was avenged and the world was safe again.

Or that's what he thought.

He heard his secretary scream in the other room before he now dead and bloody body was threw through the doors of his office and landed on his desk. "Mabui..." He whispered. He then looked up and almost died on the spot from heartattack.

There stood Naruto Uchiha, alive and well, and with a look of revenge in his eye. Naruto walked up to Ay slowly, his EMS burning bright red, spinning like there was no tomorrow. There won't be.

Not for Kumo anyway.

"You tortured her," Naruto said as he cut off Ay's other arm with a swipe of his sword, making the man grunt in pain. "you're me raped her," Naruto used chidori to cut off both of the Raikage's legs, making him a limbless man. "you killed her!" Naruto screamed as he cut Ay's body in half vertically. Naruto closed his eyes and felt the incoming chakra signatures. His eyes opened before he held out both palms. "Almighty Push!" He yelled loudly as the whole office along with several streets of Kumo were now destroyed, killing everyone in the deadly jutsu's path.

"I believe it's time for Naruto Uchiha to destroy his second village." Naruto said.

10 Minutes Later

Naruto stood on top of the now flattened village that was once known as Kumo. Trees were everywhere, used to impale bodies of the shinobi who got in Naruto's path. Naruto then shoved his fist into the dirt, and made a small little cross and carved Samui's name into it. It read,

Here lies Samui. A person that was loyal and helped her friends. You will be missed.

Naruto stood up and walked away from the ashes of Kumo with one thought in his head.

Next time, it will be Konoha I will be walking upon...

And there. Happy? I hope so. We're so close to 100k reads and I'm so excited! I can't wait til I see that big number!

When we do, I'll be doing a QnA. You are allowed to ask any question! And I will see if I can answer it or not!

Til next time my lil demons!

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