Author's note

11 4 3

Hey guys!

First of all, I'd like to thank you all so much if you read this story! It took me quite a long time to write it, as I have a lot of creative ideas, but not the time to write my stories (I'm a full-time schooler, a provincial almost-national swimmer, a figure skating, an artist (comic artist, yaoi and yuri artist), a trying-to-be composer) . That's why I fluctuate between which stories I should write, and why I CAN NEVER finish my stories. Which is also why I haven't posted much... Sorry!

Ahahaha... I suck... ;v;

Honestly this story started off as a cute love story between two girls. It should have ended after part 3, but my friend wanted a continuation. Me, being the foolish idiot as I am, decided to make this into a crazy kidnapping story. It turned out... okay, I guess. For a first draft this is pretty good in my opinion. Personally, I liked reading my own story (selfish, I know right?) and I think I didn't go too overboard (but then again, I'm a terribly dramatic person, so how should I know?). I'll be polishing up the story and would love to take any comments you'd give me! If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, or typos, or just things you think should be better in another way, please don't hesitate to tell me! (Just please don't say rude things like "You have absolutely no talent" or "Delete your story, it sucks". I would cry ;_;)

I'd love to be able to write good stories that people would enjoy someday... I hope this story can serve as an opening door to that path.

Thank you all so much!! :3



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