Chapter Eight

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A/N: Thanks for 885 reads guys! Means a lot! ~Bella

Kat sulked behind as Newt and Jacob hurried out of the case. They soon hit the streets of New York. Kat reached for her uncle's hand, which he squeezed gently.

"I was watching you at dinner." Newt said as he followed Jacob, making small talk.

Jacob looked uncertain where the conversation was leading to. "Yeah."

"People like you, don't they, Mr Kowalski?" Newt asked. Kat sighed quietly. She wished she had that effect on people as well.

"Oh - well, I'm - I'm sure people like you too - huh?" Jacob answered startled.

"No, not really. I annoy people." Newt said, unconcerned. Kat giggled.

Jacob obviously didn't know how to answer. "Ah."

Kat smirked silently at Newt's interest in Jacob.

"Why did you decide to be a baker?" Newt asked, intrigued.

"Ah well, um - because I'm dying - in that canning factory." Jacob brushed off Newt's look. "Everyone there's dying. It just crushes the life outta you. You like canned food?"

"No." Newt said.

"Me neither. That's why I want to make pastries, you know. It makes people happy. We're going this way." Jacob added. Kat mulled over his words thoughtfully. How sweet that he wanted to make people happy. She decided she also wanted to do that. Jacob led them to the right, with Newt and Kat following.

"You do know this could be potentially dangerous, right, Kat?" Newt asked quietly. Kat looked up.

"I know. But I won't leave your side." She said stubbornly. Newt gave a sigh.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't want to stay in the case." Kat retorted.

Newt sighed once again and returned to his conversation with Jacob. "So did you get your loan?"

"Er, no - I ain't got no collateral. Stayed in the army too long, apparently - I don't know." Jacob seemed upset at the news but tried to make it as if it wasn't a big deal as he shrugged it off.

"What, you fought in the war?" Newt asked.

"Of course I fought in the war, everyone fought in the war - you didn't fight in the war?" Jacob was as curious about Newt and Kat's world as they were with his.

"I worked mostly with dragons, Ukrainian Ironbellies - Eastern Front." Newt said. Kat cringed at the memories of being forced to stay in an orphanage for a few months while Newt went off to take care of the dragons. She shuddered slightly but Newt didn't seem to notice as he slowed to a stop. Kat followed his gaze to see an earring on the ground. Her eyes widened. Only a special creature could do this kind of damage. Diamonds scattered the floor until it led to a particular shop. Newt crept forward, then doubled back.

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