gorroth please no

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Zane pov

"gorroth....called " I said riddled in fear "lets go back now please" I sighed and they nodded I stood to walk but I was completley fucked over travis and gene snickered "stfu you did it" I growled only to be picked up by travis cause fangurls said so we well they walked to the car carrying me and got in we decieded to let gene drive cause I didnt wanna be moved after what felt like forever we pulled up to mine and saw garroth standing outside arms crossed, I gulped and got off his lap and walked up trying to make it look as normal as possuble but hey do you judge me I had two dicks in me at once im kinda sore and im probably gonna have to take off of work tommorow "hey garroth" I smiled "hey zane" he smiled back but it had a glint of concern and ...anger? "gene travis i'd like to speak with you" his voice looked like it had scared them both as their eyes went grayer in color they also got out of the car and walked to the porch "sit" garroth said sitting on a box chair we kept out front I sat on the porch swing and had travis on my right and gene on my left "sooo yall were out pretty late what were ya doing" garroth said clicking his tounge "we had a nice dinner" gene said gripping his dress pants "and talked things over" said travis running his hand through his hair "wow ya sure did take a while you sure you didnt go anywhere else" he raised a brow and we all shook our heads "mmmkay" he nodded "zane close to a descision?" "no not at all" I sighed "thats okay these kinda things take time" he stood and we all did the same "night guys" he said looking at the two brushing each my shoulder "night garroth" they smiled "night zane" they purred making me blush and gorroth chuckle gene and travis got to the first step and I got my hand on the door knob when garroth growled "wait" he stepped up to me and I looked at him fearfully gene and travis stepped back up with a similair expression he grabbed my arm and turbed me around "g-garroth?" I was extremley nervous he ignored me calling his name and grabbed my choker unclasping it dropping it to his hands and unbuttoned my first button what in the name of irence is he- oh no panic instantly set in and I went even paler and my eyes glossed over he saw them my hickeys and other love marks and he let out a angered growl he looked worried concerned , disgusted no....pissed "who the hell gave him love marks...who fucked him!" garroth snapped at the two "IT WAS HIM" they said in unsion pointing at eachother, I felt hurt they didnt wanna take credit for what they did like I was a simple one night stand,they sighed "it was me" they looked up and I weakly smiled garroth let out a roar like growl and balled his fist "GARROTH NO" I grabbed his arm only to get shoved back abd smack my head on the wall they both let out a scared yell that probably woke the neighborhood if mine wasnt enough I texted dante and zenix to come help they all yelled at eachother abd garroth refrained from swinging I watched zenix dart down tge street and dante ran out the house tagging along "STOP BEING SUCH A OVER PROTECTIVE JERK" travis snapped "WELL AT LEAST IM NOT A BUTT STARING PERVERT" gorritg snapped back "UR A GOD DAMN MEDDLER U BASTARD UR ONLY MAKING HIS LIFE WORSE" gene spat at garroth a horrible crack! Followed and gene held his nose I grabbed garroth again and he meant to shove me back but slapped me "omg zane Im so sorry I-" he growled "BEAT IT U TWO I DONT WANBA SEE YOU AROUND HIM" he snarled at gene "GARROTH STOP RUINING MY LIFE IM NOT LITTLE ANYMORE UR MY BIG BROTHER NOT MY BOSS JUST STOP IT" I screamed at him positive I woke everyone even lucinda and darted inside
With tears of anger I locked myself in my room and darted to the bathroom grabbing a razor and chucking it at the wall shattering it and picked up a piece and started doing wat I havent done in almost a month ...I cut smiling as the blood trailed down my arm into the tub a onslaught of curves,straight lines,diagonal, anything you could think of was on my arm ths stinging started to kick in and my tears fell harder and all I coukd think of was why as I flopped onto my bed not worrying about cleaning up and fell asleep

Gene pov

"garroth well sort this out later night ...jackass" I said walking home with zenix and a potentially broken nose "jesus gene what did you do" he said looking shocked and angered by the blonde "me and travis had sex with zane not by force" I admitted "niccee" he cooed "not to garroth" "garroths a ajr head hell get over it" zenix huffed "right" I sighed walking in

Travis pov

I crashed on the couch talking to dante "itll be ok" he reassured me "I hope" I nodded "get some sleep you need it " he said hugging me "thanks man thats why ur my bro" I smiled "well duh he chuckled smiling at me and going upstairs

Garroth pov

I walked in and got a glare from laurence " Ik you wanna protect him but not like that " he said going in his room I knocked on zanes door "baby bro" I said in a soft voice not getting a reply eityer he was asleep or ignoring me but I deserve it I grabbed beer and drunk till I passed out "fml"

Crazy a/n holo guys 1000 words exactly noice anyway sorry I havent been updating ill make it up im sorry but im close to 100 followers and yall will get a face reveal then please check out my other books and give them the same love u give dis one cause its insane i love yall so much peace love buh bye

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