Not So Sure

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As soon as the fog lifted from my mind I scrambled for my torn clothes. Ellavin screamed again, retreating back to where she was before. I managed to pull on my shredded trousers which thankfully covered what it needed to. The elf stayed where she was, shock and horror marring her beautiful face.
"Y-You... You were... Holy Valar," gasped Ellavin, frozen to the spot. I stayed knelt, facing away from her, pulling on the remains of my tunic.
"H-Happy now?" I asked, my voice rough "Happy you know what a beast I am?" I spat out the word 'beast' like poison.
"I'm a monster, just like you said," I snarled, still refusing to look at her. The rustling of skirts heralded her approach and I remained stock still. Ellavin knelt down in from of me, putting her hand on my cheek and forcing me to face her.
"You're not a monster, nor a beast, please don't say that. Is this what you've been hiding all this time?" She asked softly. I just nodded, as it was partially true. The next thing I knew Ellavin's arms were around me, her head resting on my chest.
"I'm sorry for reacting like that, you just shocked me. It's not every day a bear turns into a man in front of me. Much less when that man is in a state of... undress."
A slight tint of red flushed her cheeks and I cleared my throat awkwardly.
"Sorry about that," I said "A side affect of shifting." Ellavin tutted, fiddling with a tear in my tunic.
"You realise I'm probably going to be the one having to fix these," she scolded.
"You don't have to," I shrugged. She raised one perfectly formed eyebrow.
"Beorn, you couldn't sew if you life depended on it."
I chuckled, nodding in agreement.
We headed back to the house after a little while, when I had explained the skin changer thing thoroughly enough to not sound insane. My heart was still pounding from having her so close to me. The food she had cooked was heavenly as always, though I tried my best to keep my eyes on the plate throughout the meal and not on Ellavin. She had already discovered my first secret, I didn't need her discovering the second anytime soon.
After we had eaten we sat down in front of the fire, Ellavin stitching away at my tunic and trousers in an attempt to salvage them. I sat carving quietly, thinking over her words from earlier.
"You said about the night I slept beside you," I murmured. Ellavin missed a stitch and cursed in Sindarin.
"Valar I'd forgotten about that," she muttered, blushing slightly. I frowned, confused at her embarrassment.
"What's wrong?" I asked curiously. Ellavin's blush darkened and she hid her face in her hands.
"Ellavin?" I pressed, putting my carving knife and block of wood down to listen. She got up abruptly, putting her sewing down and going to leave. I stood, taking her wrist to stop her.
"Let go of me," she hissed, her gaze steely and her tone ice cold. I frowned.
"Ellavin?" I asked again. She scowled at me.
"I said 'let go of me'," she repeated defensively. I gently let go of her wrist and she turned away, heading to her room and slamming it behind her. I sighed and sat back down. In less than a day, I had upset her, scared her, trusted her and upset her again. I had been so close to putting my faith in her completely. Now... I wasn't so sure.
A/N: Sorry it's so short, I'll be updating again soon

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