I'm The One

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(Matilda's POV)

When I step out of the car, my heart drops into my stomach, and I can feel the colour drain from my face,

Tom walks up beside me and grabs my hand,

"Are you ready - Matilda what's wrong?" He asks,

"Just scared, out of my mind. Ya that seems fitting!" I exclaim, I feel dizzy and out of breath

"Mal there is no need to get flustered, those people in there are very humble and down to earth, and trust me when I say that they are very excited to meet you."

I take a deep breath in and let it out, I open the car door and grab my backpack,

"Let's do this!"


"ChRiS!" Tom called, once we walked through the door,

"Kitchen!" He screamed back, I followed Tom through the living into the kitchen, and the kitchen was full of people, I squeeze Tom's hand a little harder,


"CHRIS!"  Tom dropped my hand, and basically jumped on Chris, I took step back and let the two of them 'hug it out' but when I step back I trip over a toy car and I land on the floor with a very loud bang and everyone in the room turned and looked at me. The stuff in my backpack spilled across the living room floor, my cheeks get very hot very quickly and they turn a bright shade of red.

"Hi everyone my names Matilda."


"Are you alright?!" A sweet female voice asks from behind me, I turn my head and smile

"I'm fine thanks, My pACkBack!" I start shoving my stuff back in, but I can't find my stuffed dog or my tap shoes! I begin crawling around on the floor like a baby,

"c'est tellement embarrassant! Je ne peux pas croire que tout le monde me regarde se faire un imbécile" (this is so embarrassing! I can't believe every one is watching me make a fool of myself!) I mutter to myself

"Matilda." Tom says, I spin around on my hands and knees and he's holding my taps and stuffed dog, I stand up and brush off my pants, and take my stuff from Tom.


"You speak French?" The female asks again, I nod

"It was my mothers first language, she was born in Quebec. I also speak sign language and Spanish."

"I speak Spanish too! Mi nombre es Elsa perdoname por no presentarme antes. Soy la esposa de Chris." (My name is Elsa, sorry for not introducing myself earlier this is my husband Chris)

"Encantada de conocerte" I respond with a smile, (it's nice to meet you too)

"Te gustaría venir y sentarte con nosotros?"
(Would you like to come and sit with us?)

"Me encantaría que!" (I would love that) I respond and I walk over to where all the women are sitting.

(Tom's POV)

Chris places a hand on my shoulder

"Tom she seems like and excellent kid! Your luck to have found her."

"Thanks mate, is other Chris here yet?"

"Not yet no, why?"

"Matilda tap dances, and Chris did to right?"

"I think so ya, want a beer?" I nod and follow him towards the mini bar, he opens the fridge and hands me a bottle. We talk for a couple minutes, I turn my head to check on Matilda and she's laughing away with Elsa, Cobie and Scarlett.

"HelLO!" Chris (Evans) calls when he walks through the front door, "Tom where's the girl?!" He asks,

"In the kitchen with the girls. But Chris she's shy!"

"Don't worry I'll be nice." He says and walks over towards the kitchen.


(Matilda's POV)

"Bye guys see you soon!" I call from the car, the driver slowly pull out of the driveway, "That was so much fun!"

"I'm glad you like them, But uh I think you brought out Chris' competitive side when you challenged him to that Tap off."

"Hey!" I say razing my hands in defence, "don't smack talk the 14 year old girl." Tom let's out a low chuckle,

"We fly out soon, would you like to grab some food before we leave?"

"Can we go to Tim's?" I ask excitedly,

"What's Tim's?"

"Oh my GoSh! You need to learn this stuff your kid!" I say gesturing to myself "is Canadian!"

"Okay! Driver take us to the nearest Tim's please."

Why me? Tom Hiddleston adoption fanfic   Where stories live. Discover now