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Max's POV
(It's only Max's POV for this first part)

"Max! You bastard, get your ass downstairs this second!"
My stepdad yelled for me once again.

I ran downstairs as fast as my little feet could carry me.

"Asshat! Why can't you do anything right!"
He yelled.

It was nighttime. My stepdad had just got done beating me for like the hundredth time, but I've had enough! I decided to run away once and for all and this time, I wouldn't come back. I left with nothing but the clothes on my own back. Out into the streets of London I went all by me lonely self. I ran as fast as I could-as fast as my little feet could carry me. I never looked back, and I never had parents. They died when I was born, and I was raised by my stepdad, who like I said beats me too.

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