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Thicker than honey, the oxygen that flows into my lungs feels weary.
My freckle filled skin tingles, & the nerves inside of me jump around and around; waiting in anticipation.

The vibrations in the air are almost too quiet; they're deafening.

Energy sifts through the fields of space, intertwining the yin & yang of life.

Today, it's full of static & the fear of the unknown.

The world is changing.
The universe has shifted.
Every soul, atom and piece of matter is shedding its skin.

Piece by piece, time passes us by.
Seconds... minutes... hours... days... months... years....
They are in the past.
Is there any after?
Is there an after?

Are you really you anymore?
Are you even a "you"; an individual?
Are any of us an individual?

Everything and anything is nothing, but is nothing something?

Forever is unknown.
The unknown isn't forever.
Forever is death.
Death is forever.
Or is it?

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